Do you REALLY have a food allergy/intolerance?!



  • 76scenic
    76scenic Posts: 22
    Not allergic to any foods, thank goodness! I am allergic to something in many soaps, cleaners and medical ointments. If it comes out of an aerosol can, I usually get a rash.

    My youngest son is incredibly lactose intolerant. He cries for HOURS, throws up and sometimes breaks out in a rash when he has milk product. I never knew that someone could go through all that just because of lactose. So in order to reduce the risk of him having it, most of everything we have in the house has no lactose. I try to buy organic and after I got used to reading ALL labels, we really aren't suffering:)

    Try these soaps:

    Try These cleaners: or

    Laundry: All Free & Clear

    Just a hunch you won't experience any more rashes with these.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.

    I have IBS as well or was diagnosed with it anyway. i started staying away from diary and large amts of caffine. Both seemed to help, especially staying away from dairy. I personally think the dr messed up, he didnt do any allergy tests just looked at me (zero testing of any kind was done) and said, well you have IBS.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    This is a very emotive topic for me and obviously some others here so I just feel I have to respond once more before switching off the computer and going to bed. All I can say is, why is it such a bad thing for some people to be unselfish and slightly inconvenienced for the sake of another child's safety? If my child's primary school hadn't had a no nut and no sharing of lunches policy I would have been terrified to send him to school every day when he was too young to read labels on food or understand his allergy for himself. I make him packed lunches, spend ages reading packaging, websites and menus and am forced to ask questions about polices and ingredients in restaurants to ensure his safety, not to mention educating him from a very early age about what he could and couldn't eat, taking special food to other children's birthday parties etc. How on earth could I hope to protect him in school without the co-operation of the staff? Now he's in secondary school there are no restrictions in the school, but he's a very sensible 12 year old so doesn't need that extra protection any more.

    Having said all of that, obviously we are very polite and non-confrontational when we do have to query things whilst out, because as you say it's the choice of the restaurants whether they accommodate us or not. And it our choice whether to eat there or not - but it does become quite limiting sometimes!


    Have 2 kids myself with allergies, yes allergist tested, and I would do ANYTHING for them not to have this and not have to worry about what they eat, or have to sit at a separate table at school lunch, or not be able to eat birthday cake at parties.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    As a Celiac, I need to speak up.

    First, I feel bad for the cousin. Regardless of perceived legitamacy of the diagnosis. She feels better not eating the gluten. No different than feeling better when you exercise or diet. No to mention 90lbs is only ~50lbs under ideal weight. It's better to be this than over it.

    Ummmm... you're kidding right?
    Sure.. liver failure, heart failure, at risk of a heart attack... plus too many others to name :huh:
  • jessimurph
    jessimurph Posts: 50 Member
    I am not eating nuts, dairy or wheat due to my breastfeeding sons allergies and I eat all of my calories. I think it's definitely helped my weight loss because I'm eating super healthy, but just because you have allergies doesn't mean you can't consume a healthy amount of calories and nutrients in a day. Originally I said when I'm done nursing him I will have a food party where I eat all the yummy stuff I haven't been able to eat, but after giving up dairy and wheat my skin has never looked better! I don't even wear foundation anymore and get so many compliments! I will for sure be adding nuts back into my diet. I miss my almonds!
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I can see your point, OP. I'm on the other side, though. I've never had an eating disorder, however I am underweight due to genetics and lifelong gluten-intolerance that I didn't discover until this past year. I'm also intolerant to lactose, yeast, and alcohol... also have trouble with other grains and sugar (still trying to cut down on sugar, though). Most of these intolerances are more psychological than physical, so they aren't so apparent to others, but why would I want to eat a food that gives me major depressive episodes for up to a week afterwards?

    Still, those aren't excuses to eat less. I'm on MFP tracking my food to gain weight, and I eat an average of 2100 calories a day, sometimes up to 3500! My diet is basically Paleo/Primal. I use a lot of eggs, nuts and seeds, nut butter, and oils to get all the calories I need. I even went a week without meat once and was still able to eat a healthy amount of calories, so it can be done!

    I definitely hate it when people who aren't ACTUALLY intolerant to these foods lie about it so that they can avoid eating at all. It makes things harder for those telling the truth, when people refuse to believe us because someone else was lying.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am allergic to a lot of things. It is ridiculous really. I carry epi pens so I don't die when I inadvertently get exposed to one of the things I am allergic to. I don't know why any rational person would fake an allergy.

    I think there are probably a lot of people who think they are gluten intolerant but are not. It doesn't really matter though, you don't need gluten to survive. It isn't a nutrient.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    First let me say that if I could eat a entired pepperoni pizza with extra cheese right now, I would. If I could get rid of my intolerance/allergies I would. Its not fun, its not easy, its not convienent when it comes to dieting.

    I can't have gluten (celiac) dairy (terrible stomach pains and so dizzy I can't stand) meat (causes awful pain in my side where my fall bladder used to be after more then 1 bite, and I had better be close to a bathroom) tree nuts (allergy) or eggs (extreme nausea and sometimes vomiting)

    I also either have IBS or "dumpng syndrome" (caused by my gall bladder being removed) but that depends on which doctor I talk too (family, internist or surgeon)... they have the same results of chronic diarrhea so it really doesn't matter which is causing it. Either way, I can't eat fast food, chips etc. Anything greasy and I will be on anti-diahrrea medication for life.

    I don't say anything about my intolerance/allergies unless someone is trying to force feed me and won't take no for an answer. I take all my own food when I visit family etc. because its not anyones job to feed me, unless I'm going to my moms because she has all the same issues plus some and her house is full of "safe" foods.

    But I have a certain family member that uses gluten intolerance when it suits her needs. She'll be intolerant at lunch/dinner whatever, but once the cookies/cupcakes/cake/pancakes/brownies come out shes suddenly able to eat it. Drives me nuts.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I gave up gluten about 2 years ago because I have a real problem with it. I believe I am a bit intolerant as it makes me tired but also I am extremely addicted to it and have no shut off so I know with bread, pasta cakes etc etc, I would never be able to lose the weight and keep it off. So it is partly for weight loss that I am doing it, but gluten does make me feel terrible after I eat it and I have realised my life is much better without it. I do my due dilligence and always check if anything has gluten in it. I believe myself to be healthier than ever and I am not tired anymore. So, even though I was never officially tested, I figured it out on my own. An eating disorder is a completely different story though. I eat fish and eggs but no meat.
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