You did great, good luck with your next show :)
I'm happy for any lifting guys and girls to add me. I'm still a work in progress at the moment and currently in training for my first show in 2014
The short answer is yes it does work but no it isn't worth the risk. Ephedrine is an ingredient used in many over-the-counter remedies and also prescribed for sufferers of asthma so not a banned substance but is often mis-sold / abused for it's appetite suppression action and specifically states not be taken with other…
I disagree with you, you are confusing two different things. If most people were to go on a clean bulk, then they would gain weight. That is the whole definition of 'bulk'. The picture does not show any gain in muscle mass it shows a decrease in %bodyfat therefore resulting in more muscle mass definition and for this to…
I dread to think what the guys in my gym call me behind my back then...:blushing: my lifting gloves reek, even to me and have recently started to take on a life of their own, but hey not there to impress them with my sweet smell just there to lift
feel free to add me :)
Feel free to add me
Great job Yo...a well deserved win
ok, he'll kill me for this...but i have to show him off
No weight goal - it's just a number To do an unassisted pull-up/chin-up To squat 1.5 x body weight ATG To deadlift 1 x body weight To cut down to 18% bf by the end of this cut (finishes 1-JUNE-2013) To fit a UK size 10 - DONE To wear a bikini for first time in 15 years - DONE To find an approach to building muscle after…
Milk, coconut or almond milk or water depending on how I'm doing in terms of caloris/macros for the day but my most favourite way is to eat it mixed with fromage frais or greek yoghurt, usually 1 scoop (25g) in 150g fromage frais/yoghurt
This is how I'm eating mine this week Chipotle Sweet Potato Mash Serves 6 143 Calories, 4g Protein, 30g Carbs, 1g Fat per serving 40g Red Onion 100g Sliced mixed peppers 100g sweetcorn ½ can drained Adzuki beans (any beans/legumes are fine) 1 dried chipotle chilli 5g mild chilli powder 600g sweet potato Cook the beans…
Hi, anyone feel free to add me. I'm a mum of a 2 year old son and a 6 year old daughter and also work a 45hr week as an engineer
Anyone can add me, I'm currently eating 2400 calories a day and my goal is to drop to under 20% bodyfat not a weight related goal :)
This helped me significantly with my form when starting out as I struggled with upper back rounding. If you lift at a gym, get one of the instructors to demonstrate and watch you when first starting out. The Deadlift: Perfect Every Time 1. Take your stance, feet a little closer than you think it needs to be and with your…
Thank you Sara :-)
:love: German Volume Training
^^ This
Agreed....been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. Gained 60lbs both times with my children but thankfully have managed to lose it both times. I do feel it's important to make the point to new mums not to rush to lose the weight and to lose it at a sensible rate, it took 9 months to put it on and it should take about…
Thanks Sara - that's interesting as it seems almost the staple go to for most competitors almost straight away, but as I also said most of them eat terribly and suffer huge rebounds after the show. Hopefully after this first cut attempt I should have a better understanding of what works for me in terms of calories and…
apologies for attrocious typing skills that should have been a title of beyond macros not beyong!!
another uk'er here too, feel free to add me :)
5x5 is great for developing strength and you may see minimal size gains too, agreed, but muscle mass gains will not be seen whilst eating at a deficit. Your post does not state you lost 33lbs, your ticker does which is not an indication of what you are currently eating so sorry it was not obvious you were on a cut...mine…
As a powerlifter I'm guessing your goal wasn't to cut body fat% and that you weren't on a deficit either, which is what the OP is trying to do. Lower volume training is perfectly adequte during this period. Muscle mass cannot be gained and strengths gains are minimal while eating at a deficit and there is no way anyone…
Sorry I mis-understood your initial question. If you want to do stronglifts 5x5 then it really doesn’t matter if you do full body or upper and lower split, as you have said you want to cut and maintain lbm, full body would usually be recommended but that is really personal choice. I have included some pro’s and con’s below…
This is me 20Kg's heavier than I am now, still a work in progress but concentrating on gaining muscle and losing fat instead
What are your lifting goals?? To gain muscle size or increase strength as the two different programmes you have described are for different goals - 5x5 programme is for strength building and 2 x 10 rep range is for gaining muscle mass and strength gains are slower This may answer some of your questions…
Maybe I'm your female alter-ego lol!!
I have used many, many, many brands but these are my top three in terms of price, quality and service. All are online suppliers as the stuff you can buy in supermarkets and health food stores etc. are generally very overpriced and or poor quality. All of the suppliers below offer samples and have nutritional information…
Thanks Sara, willl do