I am seriously addicted to WoW! :) I play every single day if I have any free time. I got 3 90's on the Duskwood realm (tauren hunter, belf priest and belf mage...and almost have a belf pally at 90). I'm an altoholic it seems as well lol I got lots of toons that I play constantly so I'm surprised I have 3 90s. I usually…
I play a little online but I mostly like to play casually with a couple of friends when we have time. I'm far from good at it (I have only won 3 games in my 2 years of knowing it lol) but I really love playing it. I made me a life deck and I gotta say, 2 out of those 3 games I've won was with that deck so it's a pretty…
I know it's been a while since I've posted on this thread but I thought I would ask a question to people that have done p90x. If you don't have a pull up bar, is there any way to modify that so you can still work the same muscles?
This actually hits home with me quite a bit. When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 23 years old, it made me think of what I was letting happen to my body...I know it had to do with my weight and lack of exercise. I tried to eat healthier and exercise after that but nothing stuck and I went back to my old habits.…
I actually need someone to nag me some because I tend to have a ton of those moments where I feel like in the end it's not worth it and I go pig out on McDs and quit the exercises. I'm not good at picking out healthy foods to eat and I don't like spending lots of time worrying about portion sizes or how much of this or…
debating on whether I should do my day 2 of the p90x workouts or not. I'm being lazy today.
I am going to be getting the stuff in the mail today to start on p90x. I'm looking forward to it. We can keep each other motivated :).
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend Rebecca. I know how it is to lose a friend (since you replied to my post about her). She has actually been my motivation to be healthier because I want to live a long and happy life. And do things that she said she would do before......but she didn't get to do. I have pictures of…
SoulNeedsBeauty: It is lots better than the way I use to use to be double that a day on calories/sodium and fat. I get what you mean though and I value your input. Everyone else: It is definitely a life changing thing, it's not a diet. I am slowly working on what I eat and making smarter choices instead of picking…
If I could afford something like Medifast or another diet plan, I would most definitely do it but I am very low on money (only $100 a week) so until I find a better job, I'm gonna have to wait on that. I am going to ask my dr. when I go to see what she recommends because I need some kind of set plan on what to eat and…
Yeah I have a Dr. appointment in about a week so I am planning on seeing what kind of diet I can get started on. I really do want to be healthier but I have really struggled with it. Since it is the holidays I think I can slide a little but I am thinking that for my new years resolution, that I will seriously get to making…
Thanks for the replies you two :). It has been extremely hard for me emotionally because I miss my friend so much...she was always the one telling me to do what I need to get done without any excuses. God knows I'm trying. I really appreciate the replies, it's good to know that I'm not alone when it comes to how I've been…
Any kind of chinese food, potted meat sandwiches, fried chicken, french fries and some of my grandma's lemon meringue pie. :P yummy!!!
Thanks to everyone who has posted...I never really thought so many people would reply to my post lol. I've always been the kind of person that expects results when I start something new. I have seriously been craving those foods that I haven't ate in a while and my mind just keeps on telling me "just eat whatever you want,…
I remember the last time I lost weight, I lost just about 40 lbs in less than 2 months only because a medicine I was taking was making me sick (nauseated kind) and I didn't feel like eating anything. And I was really depressed during that time so I kept on taking it for the 2 months so I could lose weight. I eventually…
I have no clue, I haven't really thought about my thyroid. I may do that Jenni, I've just been walking down the road I live on for 30 minutes a day/3-4 times a week.
I started the diet a couple of weeks ago.
Wow! You're a very beautiful woman and you're a serious inspiration to me and many other people! I hope I can have before/after pictures like yours :) I'm very happy for you! Congrats on the weight loss!
My earliest memory that I can remember is when I was 2 1/2 and my great-grandpa was in the hospital and my parents let me go see him...I remember sitting on the hospital bed with my great-grandpa.
Oh yeah I've had that same problem. I noticed a little but just not much. It got me very discouraged and I started eating again and gained it all right back. I lost 25 pounds at one time and no one around me noticed except for someone that hadn't seen me in a couple of months. I wish you luck :). It takes a little while…
Yeah, it seems like every single person that I talk to says "you look like a good weight for your height." And I feel even more horrible because I know they're just saying that to be nice...I know that I'm fat lol. I'm 6ft and I weigh 244 now. At one time, at my highest, I was at 267. I have a big bone structure too so I…
Normally I eat it because I don't like wasting food. I hate leaving any food on my plate...I was taught when I was a kid to never leave anything on your plate. Unfortunately that's a habit of mine that I need to work on. Instead of leaving something on my plate, I try to just order a reasonable portion on food and eat that…
Yeah, I could probably start trying to fix some meals at home. It's hard to keep my parents (especially my mom) from going out to eat but like maybe once or twice a week I can offer to cook supper. I've never really cooked much but I've always wanted to learn how to cook meals instead of popping stuff in the microwave…
Thanks y'all :) I really do appreciate it. I really do want to, I just have a hard time staying motivated and staying on track since I have so much temptation around me to eat all of the unhealthy foods and drink all of the soft drinks I want. I really am going to try the best I can this next time I work on losing weight.…