apponly Member


  • Do you have a Play it Again Sports nearby where you can try out the different brands and their models first? A previously used elliptical can be a good deal, but if there are quirks in the manufacturer's design you find uncomfortable or if the machine's stride isn't right for you then you'll really feel it during a…
  • Worsened tummy issues hit me too! Plus I felt even more thirsty after drinking them, nearly the same whenever I've tried to drink a sugar soda. I completely stopped drinking diet soda about 5 years ago and don't miss it, but then again I grew up drinking Tab because it was the only soda allowed in my parent's house.…
  • Oh yes, LOL, you have my sincere sympathy! MFP is a very useful tracking tool to help nail down the culprits and avoid the suspects in the future. In my late 20s I found out I was allergic to ingredients in wine, beers, and most liquors because I started getting an almost instant migraine after the first sip. End of the…
  • I don't eat fast food, and very rarely at restaurants, because I spent my teen years working for them and I saw the things that went on in the background to cover up for excess waste in inventory and sheer carelessness. No matter how strong or well enforced the food safety regulations may be that have gone into effect in…
  • 5'2" HW 2004: unknown except wore a size 22, so guessing >200lbs LW 1996: 98lbs on operating table (avg 108-112lbs size 0-4) GW 2008: 137lbs at Dr. office Jan '08 (size 8) CW 9/2012: 122lbs (started wearing size 6s Jan 2012 because 8's were too baggy) I know it sounds odd, but I never owned a scale until this past August…
  • yea sometimes I wonder if the rental rates are being driven up because the investment property owners are trying to recapture their losses in our area, along with the foreclosured and upside down equity walk-away people suddenly finding themselves scrambling to find suitable rentals. Always remember a few things:…
  • There's some Rent vs Buy comparison tools out there, though it's generally skewed to provide an incentive for you to get a mortgage. In most cases of properties located within stable markets, it's usually a wise investment to buy instead of rent. Some things to consider: Condo association dues will also provide for the…
  • saving this, it sounds amazing! thank you!
  • I wonder if those women in the study worked full time for a living on top of handling household chores, LOL.. plus it's a Norwegian study so I am sure there are cultural differences that should be taken into account depending on where and how we personally were raised. My mother never worked so she did all the housework,…
  • OMG dude, not real estate, haha! Talk about running into the worst of the worst LOL I do agree if she's feeling so stressed out that she is getting sick she needs help immediately, especially if she's feeling stuck there to survive. Perhaps therapy, but even a confidential friend's support might help. I've been physically…
  • Sometimes things change in a work environment, even if it takes a year or more. You're going through personal professional growth, it happens to almost everyone. My mate had a job at a shoe store for a year after he obtained his Masters, and a lot of student loan debt, but he did the best he could to survive while he…