

  • i'm on day 3 of 30 day shred and feel in it!! i'll join!!
  • very inspiring!!! great job!!!
  • yup easier to eat the unhealthy stuff but for sure not easier to work it off....i've found too that's easy, i shop on on sundays for the fresh stuff each week. i get yogurts veggies and fruits etc and just enough for the week to it won't go bad and it keeps me focused to not stop and fast food on the way to work or on…
  • i agree a link to Facebook would be great too!! we can soooo make these goals though!!
  • i find that is hard too cooking for one! I've heard frozen veggies are good to keep frozen and use little at a time for one person. also i LOVE to bake a quiche for breakfast egg whites broccoli spinach lean ham or no meat and a lil bit of cheese. you can add potato or a biscuit mix for a crust but i prefer just eggs…
  • i love Jillian Michaels' DVDs too! They're great. i feel i'm working EVERYTHING my legs my back arms abs all the time.No more trouble zones i'm still trying to get going on a can't make it through the whole workout but the 30 Day Shred workouts are awesome! only bout 20 min and it really gets you going!
  • i am too! just changed my profile and just learned how to add new friends (i've been using the app only and it was harder to on there). i struggle with lots of hormone issues that make it hard to loose weight. i want to be toned and healthy, to do that i need to fix my metabolism and keep up my exercise. encouragement…