

  • Just an update after this mornings gym vacation. 5 miles running.
  • I would love to do this. And because its football season I will go for 100 miles. One for every yard on the field.
  • This page may clear things up for you. It is possible to gain lean mass while losing fat. Check out the following link.
  • You may need to look at your carbs. Carbs can cause the body to create high insulin levels. High insulin levels in your bloodstream causes your body to retain more sodium, author and assistant professor at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Joe Graedon explains on his website, The People's Pharmacy. When you retain…
  • I believe that having a schedule for your workout is a very important part of losing weight and maintaining weight loss. Just like a work schedule it keeps you in a routine. This routine eventually becomes second nature and you will no longer have to talk yourself into going to the gym. I personally work out first thing in…
  • Here are some ideas to consider. This is from Mark's Daily Apple not from my limited knowledge of weight loss. Hope one of these ideas can help. Break Through Your Weight Loss Plateau Pat yourself on the back: You’ve lost weight! Or, at least you had lost weight, but for the past few days or even weeks, the scale hasn’t…