

  • When I lived up north, in a small little town where they considered the local polish family an ethnic minority to be treated with suspicion, anyone who was noticeably not white was treated with suspicion after people got over their initial shock over seeing "one of them" (as they put it). If someone was involved in an…
  • (Technically these apply to yesterday, but since I haven't slept yet...) I regret letting my emotions getting the best of me and quenching them with food. Bad food at that, it wasn't even for the enjoyment of eating it was just to fill me up with something that took my mind off of my negative emotions. Funnily enough I…
  • I agree so much with the last sentence. What ingredients sound scary, and why? Would you care to disclose which particular chemicals make it comparable to crack? I'm genuinely curious as to why the ingredients in one particular brand would make you go off having doughnuts completely? I'm sure there are others without this…
  • Honestly providing individuals are able to moderate their intake of crack (or any other illegal recreational drug for that matter) then sure, they can take that one hit every so often. If people develop addictions, serious addictions where they'll do anything for the hit (be it drugs or food) then you have to rethink…
  • Whoo for a 190's to 160's thread. Well done to everyone who has made such great progress already, and good luck for everyone looking to achieve their goals :). I'm 5'6 and currently 192 (give or take 2lbs depending on the day...) aiming for the 170's by Christmas and fingers crossed for the 160's by my 25th birthday (end…
  • For me it depends on the brand and cut of the shirt. At 5'6 and 192 some XLs fit me and others are tighter than i'm comfortable with.
  • I love cinnamon. A lot of the researchers working on the benefits of cinnamon agree that further research is needed, not just because that's what everyone says at the end of their papers but because it is what we need. Regardless of the accuracy of the impact of cinnamon on the general population following studies on…
  • This, pretty much. Before I joined MFP I lost 25lbs by still eating what I wanted, but paying extra attention to my body and what it actually wanted. The frequency at which I consumed them dropped significantly as I started to understand that instead of grabbing something as soon as the craving hit I should take the time…