What do you think about Interracial relationships?



  • Celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in June 2012. We have a beautiful 19 year hell-cat of a daughter with very strong views and opinions. She is very active in equality for all. Mom and Dad are both very easy going. Our daughter visits with both sides of the family and understands her mothers and fathers background.

    We have not had many issues with the race difference. Family was the biggest. My family waited for him to leave or get into trouble (never happened). His family kept asking when the baby was due (6 years later). But we got the last laugh!! Both sides of the family get along now.

    First issue I remember for our daughter with her mixed race was in elementary or early middle school. Some kid called her chocolate milk. She took it as a compliment not understanding there is still racism out there. She has not had many issues that we know of. High school was fun when her class mates didn't know her parents yet. A kid in band asked our daughter who the white lady was waving to her. LOL The boys learned very early on who the very buff Army dad belonged to. LOL

    Yes, times have been tough but I think it has been more "life" rather than race. Love the one you are with. Treat them with respect and kindness and expect the same in return.

    Best wishes to all on building life-long relationships. :drinker:
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I haven't read the whole thing but my question is "What is there to think" about it? It is just 2 people getting together. Why should race or ethnicity be an obstacle.
  • I'm open to it! Date who you want! I do!
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    My honest-to-god first thought when the phrase "interracial relationships" comes up is "oooer, beautiful babbies." yeah. for real.

    My actual contribution is to say that as a long time lover of asian boyz I am all for it and have never experienced any stigma for it. Australia's insanely multicultural though, which probably plays a part.
  • marilyncol
    marilyncol Posts: 4 Member
    its not a issue at all with me my kids r black and iam white we all bleed red :) people r people i see no color at all YOU GO GIRL ::))
  • When I lived up north, in a small little town where they considered the local polish family an ethnic minority to be treated with suspicion, anyone who was noticeably not white was treated with suspicion after people got over their initial shock over seeing "one of them" (as they put it). If someone was involved in an interracial marriage/relationship then that was the talk of the town, more than a handful of people who should have known better were known to make comments that were far from complimentary about the relationships.

    I don't think it was that they had any particular problem with it, it was just your typical small farming town where everyone knew everyone and the number of people moving in/out of the town was pretty much dictated by whether or not one of the youngsters had married an "outsider" or not. They were (are) ignorant, and they had pretty much the same reaction to homosexual couples or people who married one of them southern fairies. They're the kind of people who, upon coming to Birmingham, have a heart attack, especially if you take them into the heart of certain areas.

    How do I feel about other peoples relationships? My feelings extend only as far as wanting those I know to have happiness in their relationship, I do not really make a habit of going around making assumptions about partnerships as i'm usually far too busy concentrating on my own life to be concerned about that of anyone other than those in my friendship circle :embarassed: .

    Anyway, whilst I care very little about my partners ethnicity the fact no one, white or otherwise, has ever expressed a romantic interest in me makes my knowledge of how i'd actually feel about being involved in one and dealing with the family/townsfolk comments rather limited. I want to say I wouldn't give two hoots, but after seeing what some of my friends at work went through and the comments their children would frequently get from those who knew no better I think it would depend on whether or not I remained where I am at present or moved back to that particular area of the north. I'm guessing that down here I wouldn't bat an eyelid over it but if I moved back to that particular area i'd get fed up of the comments and end up blowing a gasket or something. My tolerance for people gossiping about my private life is rather low unfortunately.
  • joharifit1
    joharifit1 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't think she is ashamed of being white. But, being biracial, she is automatically seen is black to the society and will probably have to deal with and face all the hardship blacks face.
  • its not a issue at all with me my kids r black and iam white we all bleed red :) people r people i see no color at all YOU GO GIRL ::))

    Are they your biological kids? If so, why wouldn't you consider them bi-racial kinds instead of black kids?
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I grew up living in NY and I had a black bf for a few years. I didn't see any cultural difference between us, except that my family had a lot more money than his... but we were both anime nerds and loved computer games and stuff.

    Now I am living in the deep south and my current bf (white) tells me that I shouldn't tell people that I dated a black guy because people will look down on me for it or something. To clarify my bf doesn't have a problem with it, he just doesn't want people to be mean to me. The deep south is so backwards... I can't wait to get out of here!
  • I considered adding some humor to this thread, but figured it might cause a sphincter or two to tighten
  • niwrehs
    niwrehs Posts: 11 Member
    it is not over. Race riots tookplace in the early 70's those in power position and close to retrement age were slinging the statements of hate. Some have raised their children to hate, their grand children are afraid of loosing their inheritance if they cross the race line. So it still is out their. I am "Color Blind"
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    Have never dated interracially (guess only black guys dig me :frown:)

    But I think its beautiful!
  • niwrehs
    niwrehs Posts: 11 Member
    I dont know about that, as long as?....
  • it is not over. Race riots tookplace in the early 70's those in power position and close to retrement age were slinging the statements of hate. Some have raised their children to hate, their grand children are afraid of loosing their inheritance if they cross the race line. So it still is out their. I am "Color Blind"

    Are you saying black people are afraid of loosing their inheritance if they cross the race line? Do you know black people that worry about that?
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    My Dad is Mexican, my Mom is Caucasian, when they were married in 1967 it was a pretty deal. They kind of shielded us, in a since, to racism. By that, I mean they never talked bad or negative about any other race, religion, sexual preference, or anyone for that matter. I had lots of boyfriends growing up from all different races, my parents never said it was wrong or different. I never experienced true racism until my Dad retired from the military and I moved out on my own, eventually moving to Georgia. Wow. I have never seen such hatred when it comes to interracial relationships, same sex marriages, or Non-Southern Baptist religious views. I guess I was blessed with wonderful parents. I even dated an ex-con once and never heard a judgmental word from my Dad, he was even Chief of Police at the time where we lived. The only thing my Dad ever put a stipulation on when it came to a partner, is that they treat me well, that they are honest, and that they can provide for me. I cant even imagine what the world would be like if we all thought that way.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    the only problem I see with it is the culture thing. that being said you culture is the way you were raised not the color of your skin or the county where your ancestors are from.

    some cultures are so different that it would be hard to be happy trying to live like the other. for example the culture of a nun from a nunery and a scottsman. not a good mix, he would get drunk and do things to her to her that would earn her a special place in hell.

    but your situation is between the two of you, and if it works than anyone that would come between that bliss should be flogged.\

    this message is brought to you by Scotch whiskey
  • I don't think anyone should care as long as he loves you and you love him I would hold on tight. There are some really strange parts of the U.S. where people think they get to judge who can be with whom so if you should find yourself there MOVE.:happy:
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    I grew up living in NY and I had a black bf for a few years. I didn't see any cultural difference between us, except that my family had a lot more money than his... but we were both anime nerds and loved computer games and stuff.

    Now I am living in the deep south and my current bf (white) tells me that I shouldn't tell people that I dated a black guy because people will look down on me for it or something. To clarify my bf doesn't have a problem with it, he just doesn't want people to be mean to me. The deep south is so backwards... I can't wait to get out of here!

    I don't know why he thinks people would be mean to you if you do live in Atlanta. It's like interracial dating city headquarters down there!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    It should be outlawed

  • janelleross
    janelleross Posts: 61 Member
    There is nothing wrong with interracial relationships. You should feel comfortable dating who you want to date.
    Face it, if it's not the interracial thing people are upset with, it will probably be something else. You can't live to make other people happy.

    I am white, my ex-husband is black, and I have two beautiful bi-racial children. :)