So many stupid answers. I had the same question, has anyone found anything that really works to suppress the appetite overall, other than water, caffeine, and eating?
On vacation without an itinerary and just got stoopid lazy between the ocean and the couch for a few days, pure bliss... and no one to say a word to the contrary. :)
I am switching to six smaller meals a day - some of them just protein shakes or healthy energy bars. This really helps control my snack cravings for things I shouldn't eat - although I do find that the late night cookie still gets me - especially if I miss one of the meals.
Dude, I have gone Plaid!
Is the garage door down?? I have to drive back by after I've left the house about one minute later, just to make sure, a second time = at least once a week
Fun, and cute
Awww man! That's awesome! Good for you! I cant wait for this to come out on Netflix!
my thoughts: Just say hi, go over, say, so what's your name, introduce yourself. remember to breathe. I love it when a girl introduces herself. shows confidence. she's just being friendly. not like we are getting hitched later.. become acquainted. Then he knows its ok to approach you and he knows your name (some of us guys…
I don't really have any issues with him. Risky Business - awesome. Top Gun - awesome. (at the time) nowadays - mission impossible stuff - it's ok, not break out star awesome like it was but still ok. you have to admit, the guy is talented and has kept himself in good shape forever. that one movie Vanilla Sky, with the…
Nice work! You look really great! And you are so cute
Maybe you are not interested in meeting numerous girls, maybe you are looking for someone for a relationship, and you know that typically, the superficial conversations at random locations don't really lead to relationships, so you shut it all down in favor of waiting to meet the right one.
I try to make tomorrow a 'slim' day, to balance the books a little - Also - in case I get a snack attack, I keep healthy stuff in the refridge like broccoli and baby carrots and celery - you can eat a ton of that stuff and its always ok - a little ranch or hummus (sometimes) gives you some fats and you feel like you are…
Stick with it! Keep tracking - this is the key, and you will find your median levels. ( Exceptions happen, so just go with them and even try to get even further ahead for next time.) For every 5 really good days, there will probably be one "not even anywhere in the vicinity of anything even remotely resembling a really…
Eyes and hair
I have to eat three of them
I agree, bread and pasta are such a yummy part of my diet I would never totally give them up, I can't, I've tried. But I do minimize or avoid them on a daily basis, and save the pasta as a treat for a carbo load, then go out and workout really hard the next day. It gives me a great deal more sustained energy, and I can use…