

  • Yes I read the same thing in an official WebMD? article. Proper amount of water daily actually increases weight loss (all other stuff being equal such as food and exercise) by THIRTY PERCENT. That is HUGE for anyone wanting to lose weight. I used to poke fun of my friend who used to be quite heavy, since she always has a…
  • Wow, what a weight loss journey! And good plug for drinking that water. I really noticed in a couple days my waistline looking trimmer. Also --- ever notice that "big people" love their diet sodas? I think they may be proved to be as fattening as regular sodas just due to all the STUFF in them. And the artificial sweetener…
  • Why is it bunk? We are talking here about people needing to lose weight. !!!
  • WELLLLLL, for those without a weight problem, they can drink whatever the hell they want. My sister in law is one of those genetically gifted slim people, and she drinks sweet coffee drinks, sodas, other stuff but not water. Give it a try!!!!! I think you will be amazed what the water will do to help with weight loss,…
  • Ok I am new , like first day. Should one log in same time each day, seems like after dinner best? Can you write down what you plan to eat and log that, but of course if things change (we may go out to dinner?) I don't know what it will be. Should you plan the whole day's food and drink? I do remember the number of cups of…