water - WHY is it important to lose weight



  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    I love my water! I drink about 12 cups a day especially on work days since that's all I have by me all the time. I love plain ice cold water. It's delicious :)
  • iris1157
    iris1157 Posts: 5 Member
    Water is not my strong point. Maybe that is something i will work on.
  • Water is a cleanser, and flushes out all the bad stuff. Water is very necessary, and aides in weight loss.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Never was a myth to me I know it helped me in many aspects during my weightloss journey, was advised by my doc to do so n did. I still make sure to get my water intake in. It really helps during those times you want to eat n water can sidetrack you and make u feel full. not to mention the benefits of detoxing, hydration n allowing proper digestion and bowel movements.... all of it makes proper sense to me. I found during the stage of my weightloss that I pushed myself (i had lost 200 pounds in 9 months)...the days I drank more water, it seemed the pounds came off more...and seeing this i upped my intake of water to 15 cups...this included milk, juice protein shakes, yogert and jello...for all are considered liquids. realize alot more goes into losing weight besides drinking water, eating healthy, watching sodium and sugar, keeping your protein up and exercise all works together for success.
  • WELLLLLL, for those without a weight problem, they can drink whatever the hell they want. My sister in law is one of those genetically gifted slim people, and she drinks sweet coffee drinks, sodas, other stuff but not water.

    Give it a try!!!!! I think you will be amazed what the water will do to help with weight loss, bloat, etc. It sure cannot hurt. First I bought a very cheap case of "water" for $2, and now I just refill the bottles. I sometimes add some frozen lemon juice, which I love.
    Keep a tally a few days and just see for yourself what the water thing does to your weight.

    I DARE YOU....come on, it is still summer and water drinking with lots of ice should not be difficult.
  • Why is it bunk? We are talking here about people needing to lose weight. !!!
  • Wow, what a weight loss journey! And good plug for drinking that water. I really noticed in a couple days my waistline looking trimmer.
    Also --- ever notice that "big people" love their diet sodas? I think they may be proved to be as fattening as regular sodas just due to all the STUFF in them. And the artificial sweetener thing is truly awful; I used to drink so much diet soda but rarely now. They just taste like too much....
  • Can you drink too much water?
  • Since i have eczema which flares up when i am dehydrated, water is incredibly important to me.

    My doctor said that 32oz is actually more than the average person needs, however when you drink coffee, alcohol, soda etc you have to realize that these dehydrate your body and you need to make up for it.
    I drink 2, 16 oz bottles a day usually. And then the additional glasses when i am at home or whatever.

    My body functions so much better when i am hydrated!!!! And trust me i hate water. Its so boring. But adding crystal light or cucumber or lemon or anything like that makes up for it.
  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    Can you drink too much water?

    Simple answer is yes. But you would have to drink a lot in a short span of time for water intoxication to start.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Water to our bodies is like oil to an engine, it keeps everything lubricated, running smooth, and optimizes what your body can do. I have a 2 liter water jug that I fill up everyday to help me stay on track with my water consumption.
  • Thank you. I have been having three litres a day and wondered if that was too much x
  • LaxJac
    LaxJac Posts: 52 Member
    I am going to go with the clinical research on this one: http://www.waterbenefitshealth.com/drinking-water-to-lose-weight.html There have been 3 major clinical studies on the effects of water and dieting, all with the same conclusion...water increases weight loss. If you have counter research, I would love to see it.
  • I am going to go with the clinical research on this one: http://www.waterbenefitshealth.com/drinking-water-to-lose-weight.html There have been 3 major clinical studies on the effects of water and dieting, all with the same conclusion...water increases weight loss. If you have counter research, I would love to see it.

    Yes I read the same thing in an official WebMD? article. Proper amount of water daily actually increases weight loss (all other stuff being equal such as food and exercise) by THIRTY PERCENT. That is HUGE for anyone wanting to lose weight. I used to poke fun of my friend who used to be quite heavy, since she always has a plastic tumbler filled with ice and water, maybe some lemon. She refills it and takes it in the car always, never is without it. She told me she would be much fatter without doing this, and now I think she is legitimate!
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The body needs to be hydrated. But here are a few good things about water.
    - It can help make you feel full so you don't eat so much.
    -The kidneys do a good job of maintaining blood sodium, but most of us eat too much of it. It helps provide some balance, although the kidneys are amazing without all the water.
    -It free of calories.
    -Hopefully it's pure
    -Some studies (not all) show that it is part of keeping the immune system in order.

    On the other side of the coin is that fact that we can get water from other sources such as vegetables and fruit. I don't drink water just to do "rink water." I do it because I run 4-6 miles a day and I need about 4 liters (about a gallon) to stay hydrated.

    I suggest drinking water as much as possible. If you are trying to lose weight there is no sense wasting calories on drinks. And it well documented that diet drinks contain harmful chemicals.
  • meridian35
    meridian35 Posts: 19 Member
    Water ruins the taste of the whiskey I find
  • CaoimheN
    CaoimheN Posts: 16
    Water is over rated and is mostly a myth. We don't need that much. But, y'all carry on. I'm sure I'll be bashed for saying that.

    Water is REAL! I've seen it myself!
  • I'm working really hard to get those 8 glasses in everyday, would like to know how many people have noticed considerable weightloss with it.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I am going to go with the clinical research on this one: http://www.waterbenefitshealth.com/drinking-water-to-lose-weight.html There have been 3 major clinical studies on the effects of water and dieting, all with the same conclusion...water increases weight loss. If you have counter research, I would love to see it.

    Thank you for this. I have a hard time sticking to something if I don't know the reasoning behind it. I know water is important for our bodies. But I have never been a water drinker. I was more of a gallon of soda type girl :noway: I've switched to more water less soda, but this definitely motivates me to want to push that further.