

  • Thanks for the speedy replies! Most of the calories you all see at the end of my day are due to exercising, so I do not eat those back. Am I supposed to? Also I know that I do not always eat Breakfast or Lunch, but I am try to since I am not used to it. I have cut back on my soda consumption, I was at like 4 a day and now…
  • What is this and can I get in on it with out paying an arm and leg? Can someone tell me where I can download the Brazilian Butt CHallenge or what it is called please as I need to work on mine BADLY!!
  • AddieOverhaul I think you look alot like Diane Farr, she played Maria D'Luca's mom in Roswell, and in the pic you have up om MFP you to me look like Princess Kate.
  • alicia0416 I see you as a thinner Reese Witherspoon!
  • I was told that I look alot like Jodie Foster Winona Ryder - need the dark brown hair again Natalie Portman - atleast my hubby says so
  • Dont forget when you exercise you gain more calories for the day! I think you are going to do just fine. I am Dawn and I constantly am under my goals daily, but when I notice it is because I have exercised alot! Add me as a friend if you want and I can help you somewhat.
  • I love Inu Yasha, as well as my FAVORITE Sailor Moon
  • When I had my first son, yes I was 19 when he was born, I weighed in at 125lbs. During my pregnancy I gained like 15lbs, and 7lbs 13oz was what he weighed when he was born. My second child I weighed in at 128 and gained 20 lbs, but only 4lbs 6oz was him, so I put on some weight. I lost the 15 from my second, and when I…
  • My hubby and I eat out once a month, this month it was Rose Garden Chinese Buffet. They bring the food to your table, which is AWESOME!!! We usually try to go to Olive Garden, since they have the soup salad and breadsticks lunch all the time, but we chose something different.
  • But for some people out there, I know we dont want to eat back our exercise calories. I know for myself earlier this week I did a TON of work around the house, Tuesday I worked off 2216 for calories, and I was NOT about to eat those back! I was drinking alot more water those days, and I felt full until I went to bed. I…
  • Bump! I love this idea and my husband and I are going to make these tomorrow! Thanks for the receipe, I am sure that my family will LOVE these!
  • I know that for myself I eat about 1500 calories a day, but I do exercise where I gain back some of those lost calories. I do not want to eat any more than I what I am alotted in a day, but I do go over some times and I do correct that he next day. I have always been under my calorie goal for the day since I started this 2…
  • I am in the exact same boat you all are in. I am 5' 4.75" tall and weigh 152.2, my goal is to get down to 135. I put in all my stats to MFP and was averaged out to just 1200 calories a day! My friend that has been on this for 2 months said that allowance is just to maintain, not to loose. He suggested that I up my caloric…
  • I would like to know the same thing, as I have done push ups and want to know how many calories I have burned as well. If you happen to find out will you let me know please?!?
  • Try to find an Ab Lounge at a thrift store. I found that it helps more than a regular sit up or crunch, because the floor tends to hurt my back. Also I found that the Dirty Dancing workout also gets rid of the love handles, as you are exercising your core at the same time the butt and thighs.
  • I had... 1 cup Malt-O-Meal Tootie Fruities 1/4 cup 1% milk 2 pieces of Pepperage Farm Cinnamon Rasin Swirl toast w/peanut butter 3 servings of Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade
  • THanks Veg! I will have to give water aerobics a try, need to drop some weight for my knees!
  • Count me in as well! I want to lose 20-25 pounds as well. Just started on Monday, so when the weigh in on sunday occurs cross your fingers.
  • Hey! I know how you feel, being clumsy and all. I want to try Zumba, but I am afraid that my health limitation will get in the way. I am taking it slow, taking 23 walks a day with my hubby and sons. I am also new to this tracking diet thing, but it does get easier with each new day. If you want, add me as a friend and we…