

  • A common myth, but not actually true. Edit: so to answer your question - yes you absolutely can.
  • When you initially set your type of lifestyle ( eg. "sedentary") and initial goal, say, to lose 1 pound per week, your calories per day are calculated at about 500 less than what it would take to maintain your weight. So, even if you did no exercise and just stuck to your calorie limit, you would still be burning more…
  • Maybe if it was 12 calories per pound of LEAN bodyweight....after all you only need to feed the useful parts of you, not the fat. Not that fat doesnt have its uses.....but you know what I mean :-)
  • Doesnt sound like youve done anything wrong, really.... The body is weird when it comes to weight loss - more often than not, it wont come off at a regular pace, and it wont come off all places evenly. For example, for women, the last place weight tends to come off is the thighs, while for men its the gut and lower back.…
  • Unfortunately, theres a lot of conflicting advice out there, its almost impossible to sift through it all! Im no dietican, and youll probably get some great advice in the following posts, but heres what Ive learned through my own research: It is true that long periods of time (say, over an hour) in the gym will cause an…
  • This mightve been suggested already - didnt have time to read all of above posts - but a good trick I used years ago when cutting down: whenever I got thirsty for a coke, I would make myself drink a big glass of water first. I still drank the coke, but the thirst wasnt quite the same, I felt satisfied quite quickly (say,…
  • Squats, lunges, and in particular stiff-legged deadlifts all work the glutes. And, like any muscle, they will get bigger the more you lift with them. If you want a butt without having to eat your way back up the scales, thats the way to get one!