

  • Hello everyone! I am a librarian's daughter so books have been in my life forever! I love sci-fi,horror,mysteries..lots of authors. Some favorites are,but not limited too: Edgar Allen Poe,Clive barker,Greg Bear,Issac Asimov,Mercedes Lackey,Anne Rice, James Moore,Neil Gaiman,Tanith Lee,J.K. Rowling,Stephen King,Jaqueline…
  • Fifty S of G is Fan Fic.The author is a Stephanie Myers/Twilight fan and the stories were originally written with Twilight characters. Fans of that urged her to publish them and low and behold....Fifty was born. It does nothing but use inaccurate stereotypes and insipid language for the BDSM community which is sooo…
  • I really liked the second book the best, but feel they all flowed well together. Each one complimented the other and it has to be one of the best trilogies I have read. I like some YA, I feel if the writer is good anyone can read it,even if it is targeted to YA. Take Harry Potter for example. Targeted to YA but so well…
  • Game of Thrones