margers Member


  • My goals for October: Drink water Focus on Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition! No more white flour or processed sugar! Exercise 6 days a week (cardio) Keep a food journal Listen to positive thinking tapes Encourage others who are on the same journey Lose at least 1.5 lbs per week for a total of 7.5 by November 8 Encourage my…
  • Welcome! Six months to lose 20? That's great. That's my goal for the next 12 weeks (20 by 10 or 2010). Have I set my goal too high? Hope not. I want to lose at least 10% of my body weight. Wish me luck. Sigh...I know what you mean about the beer. I've been missing my micheladas (beer over ice in a glass rimmed with…
    in New Guy Comment by margers October 2009
  • Good job! Keep up the good work!! I just started and can hardly wait to report a loss!! :drinker: Cheers to you!!
  • Dear Trudy, I don't want to sound negative..but maybe you aren't ready at this time. However, I think you are since you are checking out this website to get motivation and support. Something I have done in the past month is I created a contract with myself. You can create some simple rules for yourself and you can take it…
  • Thanks for your encouragement! I thought I would set a reasonable goal - 10% of my weight by the first of the year. I am really hoping that I will stick with it---I have failed in the past. This website is very helpful and I really like the food diary. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful week and let's make each day…