

  • Sounds fine - good protein from the eggs and carbs from the banana ( possibly both from the yoghurt depending on type ) - perfect!
  • Sometimes you have to just work around the time you can exercise - if this means that you cant have optimum nutrition around your work-out it's still better than not working out. In an ideal world you should eat something 1 - 3 hours before, and a post-workout snack/meal of high quality protein and complex carbs…
  • Am I missing something here guys - the clue is in the name: Achieving the goal is what you're aiming for - that's the whole point of having something to shoot at! It's kind of like feeling disappointed when you get a strike when you're bowling.... Maybe try becoming goal oriented at some pastime or sport and really…
  • Bear in mind that if you have fancy scales that measure your fat content as well as weight then you shouldn't weigh yourself as soon as you get up in the morning. Lying down all night causes some of the fats in your body to re-settle / distribute and give a slightly spurious reading. If you can wait 30 mins after you get…
  • Pastrami wrapped around whole pickled gherkins works for me ........
  • OK no worries - will try to work out a way to get the spreadsheet available for you to look at / plug your own readings in. Not seen anyone passing email addresses on MFP so there are probably rules against this! Anyone know how to pass this type of info / input to other MFP members ?? Good luck with your efforts! :happy: