

  • Hi, I've been taking Beta Blockers for several years to treat a neurological disorder. I've been able to lose weight quite steadily, although they definately do make it more difficult for me to get my heart rate up during exercise. For me, losing weight has mostly been about adjusting my diet.
  • Hey, Yep, another Kiwi. I've been a member for a few months. What troubles are you having with measurements - specifically?
  • Hey, Thanks so much for your replys. A little more information ... "How exactly are you figuring your calories burned during excersize?" I am not using a heart rate monitor to count calorie consumption. At the moment I'm just relying on the calorie burn numbers for different activities that are already set in MFP. I have…
    in Plateau Comment by sneetch March 2010
  • Hey kerm, BMI is NOT suitable for all ethnicities. If it was, many asians would be offically over weight. BMI does not make any allowance for the size of a persons frame and therefore, slight people (and perhaps races), will be under weight using this system. Athletes and body builders will sometimes find themselves over…
  • Hey alicia, I've been a vegan for about 10 years now, and was a vegetarian for around 7 years before that. It has worked out very well and is not the challenge that many people think it will be. Or at least it hasn't been for me! I was 16 when I first stopped eating all meat and slaughter by-products and I pretty much went…
  • I also have back problems. A couple of years ago I ruptured a disc at the L4/L5 level. I can definately relate as it makes working out pretty difficult. I find that alternating between treadmill walking and an upright stationary bike provides the best workout for the least amount of pain. I generally don't spend any more…
    in Insanity Comment by sneetch October 2009
  • Hi guys, Interesting thread. Difficult position to be in. I too have worked this kind of person before ..... more than once actually! I'm from New Zealand and employment law is pretty strict here. Is it possible to fire someone for not 'fitting in' in the US? Over here, you pretty much can't fire a person unless they have…