Anyone on medications such as a beta blocker and trying to l

Im on a betablocker for anxiety and tachycardia.I have been on it for 4 yrs now I believe. I have wondered since it slows my heart rate if thats why I cant loose as much weight though Im trying pretty hard. Anyone have a clue ? I probably need to get my heart checked too..Since going to the VA they havent checked it in a while.Its been feelin weird.Like warm and twinges of pain.It kinda scares me but then I get scared to go if they find something.


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I've been on Beta Blockers for quite awhile and have been losing steadily. Your best bet is talk to your doctor. If they find something, deal with it THEN, try not to worry about the might bes and maybes. Good luck!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i've been recently put on a betablocker for my blood pressure. what i've been doin is waiting until i workout to take my medicine, but even when i've taken it first thing in morning i've gotten decent burns. what you may want to do is really examine what you're eating to make sure there arent adjustments you need to make there. and you def should get your heart checked better for them to find something than you to have a condition and not know. remember you can lose weight with heart conditions, but you cant do anything without a heart :)
  • sneetch
    sneetch Posts: 9
    I've been taking Beta Blockers for several years to treat a neurological disorder. I've been able to lose weight quite steadily, although they definately do make it more difficult for me to get my heart rate up during exercise. For me, losing weight has mostly been about adjusting my diet.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks everyone for imput:) I really appreciate it:)