Companero1 Member


  • I always eat back my cals and it works fine for me.
  • On the other hand I'm shocked how few calories are in a Big Mac. In Britain a Big Mac only has 490 calories. I sometimes have 2 for lunch and a 1000 cal dinner in the evening. Nice way to keep to my 2000 calorie a day diet.
  • I never fell full after a shake and just feel like I'm starving. A quest bar does make me feel like I've eaten something at least.
  • Got one of these in the cupboard, will try next
  • Ah yes I am thinking of cookie dough. Well I love that flavour. Can't wait for cookies and cream to get to England so I can try.
  • New flavour? I'm sure I've been buying this flavour for the last year!
  • I get this all the time, especially the skipping breakfast. The latest one I got was "It's dangerous to miss breakfast" When I asked why they said it just is and everyone knows it. When I tell them I never felt better they go on to say, but you're risking your long term health. Everyone's an expert and none of them look…
  • Life became easy once I gave up sugar. I always lost weight slowly until I stopped the sugar. I eat over 2k calories a day and the weight is falling off all the places I want it too and all i'm doing different is stopping sugar and eating normal food and yes some junk i.e. McDonalds. But no fat coke and no fries. I keep…
  • I'm sorry you lot, but stating that coconut oil is good for you is not answering the question. I think she is worried about the cals. We all know nuts are good for you, but you have to keep to small amounts as the calaries are very high. I'd suggest having your mushrooms in whatever oil you prefer, but keeping the amount…
  • I play all the time and have several level 90 characters. Play PVP and team up with real life friends to do arenas. I never really get bored of it, but don't let it stop me going to the gym etc. I just play rather than watch TV. I find it very good on fasting days (doing 5:2) as it stops me thinking about eating. Good luck…
  • The idea is to eat low fat and you'll get no side effects. So if you eat 4% fat in your meal, 1% of the fat won't be digested. The problems start when people eat bacon and eggs and high fat stuff. It becomes 40% fat consumed with 10% fat not digested. That 10% fat is going to come out by natural means...... If you follow…
  • I struggled until I started using my preventative 4 times a day instead of 2. I hardly ever use my Ventalin now when training. I asked the Dr before I put my dose up though.