

  • I'm hoping to get my 5-year-old twins the VTECH Innotab 2 this year; but we'll see. It's my nieces and nephews I'm struggling with (dealing with a range in age from 5 to 15).
  • Black licorice, whoppers, necco wafers, and Tootsie rolls were my give-away items. I like bottle caps, though. Here's a fun link:
  • I'm just going to put it out there: perhaps not a conscious choice. Only recently I discovered what my subconscious choice of remaining obese and unhealthy was all about - security and protection. I would also eat out of boredom or to stay awake - and I'm still struggling with those issues. Sometimes we need to find out…
  • I found that if I cook the dry quinoa with a tablespoon of vegetable/canola oil (or the smart stuff) for a few minutes until lightly toasted, then I add in the water, it brings out a nuttier flavor. Then I just use it like rice by piling on sauteed vegetables.
  • You know, my shoes are getting bigger too. I have to keep tightening them and I now wear size 8's instead of 8 1/2's to 9's.
  • Just last week I ate it with romaine lettuce. Usually it's tough enough on the ends of this lettuce to scoop into the hummus. Very tasty. :smile:
  • Add in some black beans and rice. It'll make you feel fuller and act as an amino acid (protein). Put garbanzo beans or black beans in your salads. Add in more vegetables (brocolli, tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers) to give more variety and colors that will enrichen your vitamin intake as well. Try a lentil soup (Progresso…
  • Holy Name Calling, Batman!
  • I managed to have two girls, but I always liked the names Gareth and Gem if I had been blessed with a boy.
  • I lost 21 pounds and some people were noticing at home but those who see me on a weekly basis didn't notice until I started wearing smaller clothing. People at work noticed only when I wore smaller clothing too.
  • Height: 5' 4.75" Heaviest: 236 (after kids) Lowest as an adutl: 180 Current: 184.4 Goal: 135-138 (this should be the middle of my healthy BMI range)
  • I weigh in once a week on Thursday mornings. I would like to before I eat, but having to get up early and get my kids off to school makes it way beyond the 2-hour mark from waking up. I've read up on metabolism and how you slow it down if you don't eat within two hours from waking up every day, so I try to eat something…
  • This was a fun thread to read through. I cannot be nominated at this time, but I hope to in the next year. And, guys, thanks for all the man-candy abs shots to browse through. That was yummy.
  • Great article! Thanks for sharing that. In August, I lost 18.8 pounds and started to worry about loose skin. I even looked up information about Biggest Loser contestants and discovered many of them had to have plastic surgery. I know my insurance will refuse to cover that for me and I also know I can't afford to pay for it…
  • You have Stepnophobia. I occasionally get it myself, although I'm not afraid of heights either.
  • Mine is Arthrophobia: the fear of scorpions. After a bad encounter in Arizona, I no longer want to live in the southern states.
  • I have to admit, my uncle actually said something like that once. Pretty much told me I wouldn't find a decent man until I lost weight. Of course my aunt is too thin - sometimes I feel like I'm going to break her when I hug her. It would be hard to live with someone who's expectations of me was to look like a skeleton. I…