ClassicGirl79 Member


  • Fixed - silly code! Thanks! :smile:
  • My husband got Seven to help him propose to me! He's our Doctor - the one we both fell for when we were kids on opposite sides of the country watching obscure British sci-fi and being generally geeky :-) 25-ish years later, this: His handwriting's tough - it reads as follows: Lisa - There was Wagner's ring! There was the…
  • We made this tonight (stove top, not crock pot, but you could totally adapt it) and it was AWESOME! Definitely a keeper, and very budget friendly! Tons of leftovers, too.
  • Check the bulk bins for grains like quinoa, which have a ton of protein and are super versatile! Those bins are often so much cheaper than the stuff in boxes on the shelves - but do the math to make sure, because sometimes they're not! I also agree with the poster who mentioned canned tuna - that's a great one. You might…
  • It sounds to me like he's insecure. He sounds like someone who is very afraid that his partner will lose weight and then want someone "better" than him - someone more fit, or someone with more money - whatever it is, it sounds to me as though he's worried you'll be "out of his league." It may sound crazy, but it definitely…
  • Great job! I recently tested high, in the "pre-diabetic" range (whatever THAT really means), and it scared the heck out of me. I got back on the wagon Monday, and saw my doc again today for a follow-up. My goal is to get it under control before it gets too far gone, and I've got a month or so to start making measurable…
  • This Thanksgiving I got frighteningly close to a number on the scale I don't even want to think about, much less admit to! The good news is that it "scared me straight," so to speak, and I've gone down 3.5 since then! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the holidays - I think my game plan is to not snack, but not get too…
  • WOW!! That's an amazing difference! WTG, lovely lady! :-)
  • Do you mind if I ask what kind of implant you have? Norplant is notorious for weight gain. I personally have a Mirena, and at the risk of TMI, it is the BEST thing I ever got (aside from my husband, of course! :-) )!
  • Hi there! Definitely listen to your doctor! Here's a weird trick my doctor gave me to break through those plateaus: Eat MORE! I know it sounds crazy, but eat a few more calories - and bump up your workout. Your dietitians may have been right - you may have stalled out because your calorie burn and calorie intake stabilized…
  • I can understand feeling like you might "waste" the calories if you eat, but remember - your calorie target is already low enough to lead to weight loss even before you exercise! Sure, the loss might be modest by comparison, but that's why people say that weight lost slowly is more likely to stay gone: if you make life…
  • I can relate - it's like we think those secretive calories consumed in the dark don't count. :-S Have you considered playing with your sleep schedule? I know it sounds weird, but you might try getting up REALLY early and eating a healthy, protein-heavy breakfast. Stay up (no napping!) and focus on eating healthfully every…
  • You absolutely have the right to do what you want. HOWEVER: I work in an assisted living community, and let me just tell you this: You do NOT want to see that stuff after 50 years! Skin moves around, and inks (and skin pigmentation) fade. If it comes to that, styles change, too. Think of it this way: Would you want to see…
  • Me too! Same boat, same plank. I'm hesitant to invite friends or family (I'm the only one with a significant weight problem, which is less motivational than it is depressing!), and I'm hoping to make new friends here who are on the same page that I am. If anyone's feeling friendly, I'd love to be added! :-)