fcordingley Member


  • Feel free to add me, I basically bulk my meals out with loads of veg so I am still eating lots.
  • Add me if you want- the more help you have the easier it will be!
  • OK, thanks. Think I will up my protein intake and take it from there :)
  • Yeah sorry- its 40/30/30 (typo!) My problem is that my Fat intake is often higher than 30%, pushing the other figures down. Should I be making more of an effort to reduce my fat intake or will it not effect my weight loss too much?
  • I'm on a really restrictive diet too, I just try to think of what would usually eat and try to find substitutions (egg friend rice and sweet potato crisps are two of my favourites!) For example I've been making fruit crumbles with rice flour and vegetable margarine (I use Vitalite), its basically stewed fruit with crumble…
  • I'm the same, as soon as I'm feeling healthy I get an urge to binge on everything I wont be able to eat when I'm ill again (or back on a restrictive diet from the hospital!) Its caused lots of fluctuation in weight- last year I fluctuated 30lbs up and down. I find that making sure even when I'm having a 'binge' day that I…
  • Some foods can take 3 days to effect me- most are very quick but through a variety of elimination diets I have realised that some are much longer. Apparently I am unusual in this as my dietician said most people will have seen a reaction within 2 days but its worth trying to find out what's normal for you. I keep a food/…
  • Hi Coral, thanks I will. Its not low FODMAP- its slightly more restrictive, I'm not allowed quinoa so its lots of rice!
  • I used to have this problem all the time and stress does effect my IBS however I've been doing a different elimination diet (not low FODMAP) and have realised that some foods can take 3/4 days to have full effect, only by keeping a conclusive food/ symptom diary am I able to pinpoint exactly what is causing it. Good news…
  • I know the feeling! just take it slowly and only introduce one new thing at a time, that way you can control it
  • Not at all, I got mine for christmas. All you have to do is download the app and input your details like you do on here. Then it automatically imports your calorie total etc from MFP- its so easy!
  • ^^ What she said :) It is good not to feel deprived so eating cake and pizza occasionally is good however the cleaner you eat the better you will feel- it also generally means that you will be able to eat more food (quantity) than if you eat the higher calorie foods within your calorie goal. Hope that made sense!
  • I'm going to have a go... wish me luck!
  • Try cutting out resistant starches- so starchy foods like bread, pasta and potatoes but also re- heated or dried food. My dietician recommended it to me. So anything that has been cooked once and then has to be re-heated/ re- cooked can cause extreme bloating and stomach pain. Its worth a try :)
  • My dietician put me on low FODMAPs a few months ago; I had to aim for 18 grams of fibre every day- it was tough. That is probably why it has bunged up your friend though. I found it really confusing and had to create my own spread sheet of foods so that I knew what I could and couldn't have and in what amount. Since then I…
  • I want one for Christmas too, most of my workouts are really varied from walking, gym classes, climbing, cycling, riding etc etc so it will be good to get an accurate measure on what I am really burning.
  • Add me, my diaries open and I'm always looking for people to share the journey with!
  • I'm in although I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks at the end of November so 15lbs might be difficult. Will aim for 10. Anyone that wants to add as a friend to help please add me!
  • I've been using MFP on and off for over a year but have only started getting serious about it the past couple of months as I've been put on a special diet by the hospital for my health and need to track my intake. Always looking for friends to help out so please add me!
  • I've recently been put back on an elimination diet by my dietitian to find out which foods react badly with me. For the first 2 weeks I'm only allowed to eat a really restrictive diet and am struggling to find meal ideas. I've done similar ones before but been allowed a larger variety of foods. Any ideas would be greatly…
  • I found that I had to completely change what I was eating, and how I cooked it to be able to have a low calorie goal, not feel hungry or tired and to not crave things i shouldn't have too often! -Its all about finding out what works best for you. I find that if I eat a big breakfast I just get hungrier earlier in the day…
  • I find stir-fry is the easiest thing to cook (I also don't have the time or inclination to spend ages cooking) I buy diced turkey or chicken, fry it in olive oil and add chopped veg (different every time) and then rice noodles (no sauces). Each time I make a meal I make double and have it for my lunch the next day so I'm…