cjonthehill Member


  • Bravo! Individual responsibility has somehow become lost in our current society. No one holds people at gun point and makes them eat junk food, fast food or any food. Its a choice. If you make your bed, you get to lie in it. That seems to be a hard pill to swallow for people these days.
  • 45 if young! :) I turned 50 this year, just started back into running and amazingly I'm actually eating a pretty good calorie load and still losing weight. Cutting out the chips and candy has made the most difference. Ice cream.......well life's not worth living without that! Ha ha. But small portions and infrequently now.…
  • Thats a shocking statistic....10 lbs off the body equals 40 pounds off the knee joint. Makes sense since our pounds are in motion adding to the stress on joints. To me that makes keeping weight off as I age even more important. Save the joints!
  • I joined the 50 club last September...how did that happen?? I recently started running and exercising again and getting out of bed in the morning has become a slower process than when I was younger!! I want to shed pounds and bad eating and sedentary habits that have settled in the last few years. I was a regular runner,…
  • Friendless here too........well cep one. Getting back into running and joined a running group which starts next week! Getting older and those pounds have been sneaking up on me!! Where do they come from? :)