older people

iceyelf Posts: 26 Member
okay i recently came back to this place, muchly because my manager at work is very encouraging.

i have recently gotten many more friends of all ages from another post. (had when i came back)

i would really love to get some more older friends , i am 45. that are working losing or have
been successful to let me know i can still do this at my age.


  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I am 60 years old and I am determined to loose weight. It is definitely possible for you to loose weight. It may not be easy like in 20s or 30s but easier in 40s than in 60s right?:happy:
    I am much happier and healthier in this age than I was in 40s. You can do it.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    45 counts as "older people" ? Ouch! And me with out my walker!

    JK- sending a friend request.
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    I was in fantastic shape when I turned 40. I wished I had paid more attention to my diet, etc. as the pounds just slowly but surely crept on over the next 9 years. I'll be 50 next month and would love to be in that same shape as I was when I turned 40 ... I'm trying very hard and while I won't be what I was when I turned 40, at least I'll be better than I was last Monday when I decided to begin this journey. And, after this, I will pay attention to my body more. MFP has really opened my eyes to the amount of calories in some foods and how much I was overeating without realizing it. I have a pretty healthy diet, but wasn't paying close enough attention. Good luck !
  • Saraclara45
    Saraclara45 Posts: 1 Member
    I started my weight loss journey last year the day after my 45th birthday and am presently in maintenance after having lost a little over 80 lbs in about 10 months. So, I would say its possible for us "older folks". :)
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    I am 6 months shy of 50 and determined to hit that number in the best possible shape.

    Always open to new friends.
    Request sent.
  • cindyst1
    cindyst1 Posts: 21 Member
    Friend's request sent. I'm older too I suppose at 45 =) But according to my dentist (who is the same age) says my teeth are very old and that was not said nicely. Sheesh.
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    I am 51 i and it is hard to loose like we did when we were younger . I have to weight everything i put in my body and do at least30 to 60 minutes of Cardio 5to 6 days a week. I also do yoga at least that too. And it starting to come off again . I was hit on my Harley motor bike last August and the last 9 months i have not been able to do much of anything i broke my tail bone and can you say OCHHHHH it was so painful i also have a lot of neck and should issuse still ,but i am back at it again and some days are worse than others but i am going to take each day as it comes .
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    LOL at 45 being "older people." Your parents are "older people." :tongue:

    Anyhow, anyone feel free to send me a friend request. As long as you meet my strict age 18-120 age requirement. If you are 121 years old, then you are out !!! :explode:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    50. Add me if you want.
  • KLB325
    KLB325 Posts: 17
    Yeah, I thought you were going to be in your 70's. : ) I'm 50. I tried this before and I fall off after a couple of weeks because I HATE logging food. Basic stuff is easy enough but I prefer to make my own and building a recipe is a drag. This time however, I'm hoping the message boards will keep me motivated.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm older than you and losing. It works the same regardless of age: eat at a deficit day after day after day after day (etc.) and you will lose!
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 46. If I'm old then what the heck is my 83 year old Dad? At worst, I'm middle aged and I don't even call myself that.
  • Ha! Ha! The elliptical at my gym has 120 age limit on it. And 500 pounds. So when I am 121 and 501 pounds, I guess I'll have to start using the treadmill. :ohwell:
  • sltrn1967
    sltrn1967 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined FP today and Im 46. So glad this was posted and to see so many of you having success. I am looking forward to the inspiration and motivation here.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 46 but not that old ;) I really thought you would be in your 60's or 70's.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Another one here who really is "older" at 71

    With age comes experience, and whilst not as easy to lose weight, slower metabolism etc, our experience should tell us to just keep going.

    My ticker tells all
  • cjonthehill
    cjonthehill Posts: 5 Member
    45 if young! :) I turned 50 this year, just started back into running and amazingly I'm actually eating a pretty good calorie load and still losing weight. Cutting out the chips and candy has made the most difference. Ice cream.......well life's not worth living without that! Ha ha. But small portions and infrequently now. I'd like some more age-group friends too!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Good for you for being ready for a change!!!!
    I think SO many people that are as YOUNG as their 40's just "give up" on weight because "that's what happens". NO WAY!

    Here you are, here WE are, we CAN make changes. Need to make that body Strong or we keep losing that muscle mass which we won't to really feel the effects of until we're 60 and then saying "Uh oh"....

    Welcome and get started!!!! We're here to help!
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Age is just a number ... oh and an attitude.
  • iceyelf
    iceyelf Posts: 26 Member
    thanks for all the replies. and request