older people



  • Dallas97701
    Dallas97701 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 67 and on MFP for 12 days and lost 4 lbs. For me it is awareness of what I'm eating and pushing the exercise just a little further...4x a week 50-60 minutes on the treadmill. Never been on a diet before but I'm heading for Burning Man in late August and would rather not take an extra 20-30 lbs to the Black Rock desert. Good Luck to us all!
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hi...am 59 and loving the changes in my body and life since picking up exercise and right eating again. Please add me and we can work on encouraging each other!!!
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    I'm 47. Feel free to add me!
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Hello, I'm 55 and 3/4. I started my journey last Aug. and then stopped in Dec. I came back sometime in March or April. I log every day. The reason I came back is because of 2 precious granddaughters that are 3 and 6 wks. I can't keep up with them or sit with them on the floor to play with them as I can't get back up. Keep up the work and it will show in time. Good luck.
  • phoebestarz
    phoebestarz Posts: 3 Member
    Older at 45?? How I wish I was 45 years old again!! I am 51 and have been a bit of a lurker on this site trying to get myself motivated to get back into swing of it all. Feel free to add me, I quite like the idea of the "older" support, lol!
  • kbtommi
    kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 44 & don't consider myself "old" but perhaps I am in denial, lol. I am mentally stuck at about 13. :laugh: Feel free to friend me if you like :)
  • Justmetwo57
    Hang in there it gets better every day! In a couple of weeks I will be 63 and I am full of more energy and spunk than most of my fellow employees half my age. I just hit my goal and am phasing off of Ideal Protein which was easy to follow. You have to be doing it for you...not anyone else. If you do, you will hit your goal. With each challenge you overcome, you get stronger. Just like the numbers on a scale...age doesn't mean much. Its how you feel!

    P.S. This last month I have had 4-5 fellow employees come up to me and tell me that I inspired them to now start losing weight and they are now also losing weight. Not only is it possible to do it for ourselves, whether we know it or not, our journeys are inspiring others.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    You sure can do it! I've been on this journey (and off) and know it's possible. I'm 47, and sure to *feel* old. But it's all relative. The good news is it's never too late to lose weight and/or get in shape!

    Good luck to you!
  • 1964newme
    1964newme Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm learning my way around this site, definitely could use some friends for support, I need to lose about 120lbs, I will be turning 50 soon, so, if anyone is willing to share recipes, exercise tips, talking please add me.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I still think of myself as pretty young, so I can't help you out there.

    I hope you oldsters work this out though.

    I'm off for beers with my Senior Division Competitive Roller Derby Team.

    That's how I roll...

    I like the cut of your Jib ! :drinker:
  • Sddysart
    Sddysart Posts: 33 Member
    I am 55 .....and loosing weight . I feel great at this age and I wish all ages to join together and Rock This Thing!!!!! GO FOR IT♥
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    "older" ha, ha, ha!! You're funny!

    53, mentally way younger (but still wiser :tongue:), down 9 lbs in 8 weeks, feeling stronger and better every day. This is totally do-able, no doubt about it. Great site, tons of info, nice people, encouragement and inspiration.

    Anyone on here feel free to add me!
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Soon to be 43. Just hoit my goal weight today. I log everyday and I am supportive, add me.
  • donnachatfield
    I am 63 and need to lose 114 pounds. Just joined 2 weeks ago. Sure is good to hear so many success stories. I'm open for friends.
  • Bashburs
    Bashburs Posts: 1
    Hi all! My daughter calls me old. I'm 56 but think I'm 25! I also wish I had the same body I had when I was 25. Haha. Just found the app tonight. My goal is 40 pounds.
  • gsnow597
    gsnow597 Posts: 36 Member
    I will be 53 in June. Im a Firefighter /Paramedic and will retire from the Service in a year and 1/2! I have been proud to still be able to do the job without fear but this is a young mans game! I will continue to watch the weight as I do not wish to be a heavy retiree. I have a business that I will still run into my early 60's I am not afraid to grow old and I will make the most out of every day. My goal at retirement day is to be looking sharp with a flat belly. Don't need a 6 pack there but don't need a spare tire either. I exercise, jog and try to watch what I eat. WE ARE A FAT NATION WITH MASSIVE EPIDEMIC HEALTH CRISIS going on and we MUST change this. I do not wish to be part of the problem!
  • dlopez907
    dlopez907 Posts: 27
    Welcome back, I'm also came back after gaining back the weight I lost due to a hip injury. Always looking for new friends. I'm 43 anyone feel free to add.. Good luck..
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I'm 55 and work out more than I did when I was 25. I'm not the wispy creature I was back then, but I am a lot stronger. Mentally and emotionally, I am more content with myself than when I was young. I miss having a younger body, but not the confidence that comes with being older. I'm not afraid to be myself or speak "truth to power" when I need to.
  • mybabyshai3
    Hi there, 48 y.o. here...but not old. I see you are in Jacksonville. I lived there a couple of times. Just moved from there last year. My weight loss journey started a few years after a complete hysterectomy at age 33. I was never a pound overweight before I was 35 y.o.then I gained wt and lost it for several years and gained again! Uggggh. I have the tools and the knowledge to lose my excess weight...just not sure why I keep sabotaging myself when my goal is in sight. I have been up to 80 lbs overweight!! Currently I have about 35 to lose and would love to have other friends (our age) :laugh: for support and friendship. :bigsmile: Anyone feel free to add me as a friend.
  • quietcountrylife
    quietcountrylife Posts: 13 Member
    I just turned 48 and would love to get some more friends here too - for encouragement, support, sharing ideas, etc. Please feel free to send me a friend request if you're looking for similar things. :)