

  • Not attained: 1. The pull up also is a bit beyond my reach. I trained really hard and *almost* got there one year but I never quite made it. Stupid pull up. 2. A straddle-split. I can split frontwards but my muscles don't like to stretch the other way. 3. To be able to grasp my hands behind my back during a tricep stretch…
  • Hi mommas! I am 33 just had my first baby she is 6 months... I have been losing a long time- I was one bout of food poisoning away from my goal weight and I found out I was pregnant. Just stopped breastfeeding and now it's time to get back on track. No excuses! Oh did I mention I am starting my PhD? I think I can do it…
    in Welcome! Comment by my_bleu August 2012
  • Net is what matters. For Atkins induction, they recommend no more than 20 grams of net carbs per day. 100 is a bunch, you will not go anywhere near ketosis with those numbers.
  • breyers carb smart chocolate ice cream bars..... mmmmmm.... and only like 3 net carbs each I think
  • I gained 50 lbs when I quit smoking and just when I had lost ALL of it, I got pregnant (on the pill even). I think when your body is in good shape, it says "HAVE A BABY" :)
  • My advice: say no to s'mores :) It's ok to splurge a little if you are hiking a journey. For big hikes I live on tuna or salmon- not the canned but the packed kind b/c it is lighter to carry. Too many cans can really weigh your bag down. Also protein bars, trail mix, and LEMONS for the camel-back. Plastic flavored water is…
  • I could also use some more low carb friends.. I would love to see what others are eating and exchange recipes. I added those who said they are also looking.
  • Don't worry so much about losing weight- I can't help but feel like letting it stress you out will cause you to lose more weight- it really seems like you are stuck in a cycle. My mom lost 30 lbs with both her pregnancies (morning sickness) and my sister and I both turned out fine. The baby will get what he/she needs from…
  • Real Name: Bleu Height: 5'3" HW: 211 CW: 184 UGW: 150 Location: Las Cruces, NM Age: 33 Sex: F Children: baby girl, 6 months Divorced, happily dating my baby's dad with plans for marriage eventually, by the time my daughter is old enough to know the difference I started LC in 2007 or 2008, dropped 30 lbs like nothing, only…
    in Welcome! Comment by my_bleu August 2012