

  • I love to run in the rain as well, most people have thought I'm nuts lol. Usually it's not an option for me as I do most of my running with a small group of friends at the track in the evening, and I bring my kids along, they aren't so happy about the rain lol. Trying to get my ticker updated so far I have 16 miles in. :)
  • That's true I suppose. I could try to get 50 before the 2nd half of Sept. :) Guess I'm off to tickerfactory to log what I've done so far.
  • Though I did want to do this challenge, I wasn't thinking at all when I jumped right in..........I will be on vacation for 2 weeks this month, so I highly doubt I'll be able to make 100 miles. Sorry.
  • I'm in. :) I just did 3 miles for the first time last week, so this will be a good goal for me. I walk a lot too but I'm going to try to only count my running miles. :)
  • Thanks for the awesome explanation. :)
  • I suppose I could add that yes my goal is to lose weight. I have lost 19 pounds so far, and I would like to lose another 15. I never did an intro or anything, I apologize. Anything you want to know just ask, I'm not shy lol. Thanks everyone for the input, I'm sorry I brought up a subject that's been coming up a lot lately,…
  • Well I don't really feel I'm not getting enough calories, MFP says I'm not lol. I'm usually eating 1000-1100 calories a day easily but have trouble getting all the way to 1200 many days. I did not know you could change your ratios for carbs etc......I am always WAY under on carbs, so much so I stopped tracking them…
  • It's certainly more work to track everything and not just calories, but the results have made me a believer that simply counting calories is not enough. Great article, thanks for sharing!
  • I think sugar matters..........to an extent. This is just for me. I wasn't tracking my sugar at first, and I was losing, then I gained some and while I figured it was muscle from so much working out (and strength training) it worried me. I then started tracking my sugar. I try really really hard to stay below on my sugar…
    in Sugar Comment by jlsmiles22 June 2011