Chandra_W Member


  • I know it sounds like "pity me" - so I really don't talk about how I feel about my diabetes a lot. I know there's always someone out there with something worse, and when I do talk about it, I usually get a response like yours. I get a lot of "well, my __(insert relation here)__ would have loved to have diabetes instead of…
  • I've noticed, and this is probably why they say the slower the loss the longer the results, that even when I had some "off days" and didn't log and didn't really care how much I ate, I ate much less than I used to. Like before I started really trying to hunker down and stay below my 1810 (which, I'll admit, I still go…
  • Thanks everyone for your stories. My appointment went really well, and the Doctor is really pleased to hear that I'm trying to take better care of myself so we can have a baby. Since I'm the only person in my family with T1D, and really don't have many friends/contacts with it - I feel like I'm blind to what's going on…
  • I don't count my protein, but my typically meals range with carbs from 25 (simple breakfast bars at work) -120 (meals out). Lunch is around 65-85, and dinner can also be around there, but I try to make my lunch the biggest meal of the day. I try not to eat more than 120 carbs, no reason, I just don't want to eat TONS of…
  • That's something I'm REALLY trying to do - is test/count/bolus all in one lump. I used to test BG before I ate...sometimes...and then I'd forget to bolus until maybe an hour later....and then I'd be really high, so I'd bolus, and then just roller coaster. So I've been trying to sit down to eat, test BG, count carbs, and…
  • I think about this a lot too...I guess I'm a little different, because I'm diabetic (type 1), so really, diet and food has played a huge role in my life for close to 15 years. However, I went through a long period (still am in it, but trying to get out of it) of feeling like "...whatever" when it came to my diet. Now,…
  • At what age and what year were you diagnosed with T1? I was 12 in 1999 - I got diagnosis right at Spring Break, so that's how I spent that SB LOL What is your best A1c to date? I really don't remember my best A1C, they're usually around 7.0-8.0, which I'm trying (and struggling) to get at least a 6.something. What's your…
  • Same here for me. I'm 26, and have been Type 1 since I was 12. Currently I'm on the pump, but I'm also on Metaformin (among a bunch of other prescription drugs) because of a high insulin antibody. My Endo has already warned me that losing weight (while necessary) will be a uphill battle because of ALL the medications I'm…