CurlyGlitterChicken Member


  • Hello, ladies! I've been an off-and-on MFPer for over a year, but I'm rededicating myself in the new year! I'm 42 (for three more weeks, anyway) and I live in Seattle, WA. I'm married and have two boys, and I work at a local history museum. I have a terrible commute, and that has made it really hard to get to the gym since…
  • What changes in diet made the most difference for you?
  • In your shoes, I'd get in a good workout for the day. It sounds like the beer is much more of a draw than the burger and fries, so I would eat before you go out to avoid the temptations of the burger. Then I would go out and enjoy one or two or three beers and log the calories. That might leave me over for the day, but my…
  • Comfortable goal weight might depend on your age, too. I'm 42. Before I had my second kiddo, I was down to about 165 and looked fabulous, but it was a lot of work. Now I would be happy to get to 185 -- it's a weight that I feel reasonably good at, and it's not as difficult a weight to maintain. It's also about 50 lbs more…
  • Get back on the horse and see what happens. If I've been misbehavin', I usually drop quite a bit of water weight in the first week that I'm back on track. I'm not sure if that's enough to get you back into the dress, but I'd recommend investing in some Spanx or getting another dress in addition. Nothing is more miserable…
  • Lots of great greek yogurt ideas I wouldn't have thought of! Love the idea of using it instead of mayo. I have made yogurt before, and I felt very accomplished about it, but it's definitely more time-consuming than buying a quart at the store. Most people have foods that they love enough to work on, but I don't find the…
  • Sagreenius, I think I'm following you... just posted behind you in another thread. Not stalking, I promise.:laugh: I just started MFP in the past week. I've had great success with Weight Watchers in the past, but this time around it doesn't seem to be working for me. And this is free! I'm looking for cheerleaders, so feel…
  • I've spent a lot of time on the Weight Watcher boards in the past -- there are some men there, but the culture is very safe. The MFP forums have been a little jarring in comparison - very testosterone-y. Or maybe WW was just more heavily moderated b/c they could afford to be. There was a lot of banning.
  • Come back, come back, I just found you! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm experimenting with ditching gluten. I wouldn't have thought I was sensitive to it, but after a week off gluten, I ate a bunch of pita bread and felt like I'd been hit by a truck for about three days afterward. So clearly gluten isn't doing me any favors. I'm looking for cheerleaders, so feel free to add me. :smile: