

  • I want to start swimming as a part of my weight loss fitness routine. I can swim, as in fun in the pool without drowning - but I don't know any technical strokes. Do I need to find a way to learn the specific strokes for it to be beneficial or can I jump in and go with my own "stroke"? My gym does not offer a swim coach…
  • I read up on the lady and she practices the Intuitive Eating process, which I used to be interested in but don't think I am anymore :(
  • She is an RD, with my insurance I have 2 to pick from so I don't get too picky. Anyone have experience with an RD?
  • I do eat back most of my exercise calories, yes. If I leave anything on the table at night, its usually under 100. I also track with a Fitbit.
  • I'm aware that cardio is not a magic weight loss activity, I have mentioned that I have a controlled diet and do strength training as well. Looking for advice and help as to not get bogged down with disappointment that not much is happening.
  • I am a very careful food logger. I measure and weigh my food, yes. I think I will change it back to 1.5 lbs a week, which is 1440 cals a day - thats what I've been doing the last 3 months. I've lost 7 lbs in that time - seems low to me.
  • This is the # that MFP has given me. I was on 1.5 lbs a week and that deficit wasn't producing results, so today I switched to 2 lbs a week and MFPs goal for me is the 1200. I didn't come up with it by myself. I know that 1200 is a low # which is why I mention that I am uneasy about it. Ill try but damn that't not a lot! I…
  • At my new goal of 1200 calories, I can't eat less, or won't eat less, That # is already scarily low for me. So I have to adjust my workout routine. I am leary of the incline idea only because my legs and glutes are already pretty muscular and my calves are huge. Id hate for them to get any larger
  • Thanks Everyone. Like I said I am doing some circuit training / strength training at home too. I am going to up that to more days a week in addition to the cardio. The treadmill will force me to do those bursts of interval since I cannot run, lol! I can run for a minute and then slow it down and jog/walk. I am just…
  • willrun4bagel - how did you get an AM and a PM snack category?
  • Im a vegetarian, no fish, so I know how important protein is. You are not eating enough. You have way too much leftover protein at the end of each day lately. Every meal should have a decent amount of protein. You seem to be skipping it at lunch.
  • Did you set it up together? It doesn't just happen. Also check your setting in MFP to make sure you have it activated.