Elliptical VS Treadmill for losing weight?

I know this has been asked a million times. And for that I am sorry. I suck at trying to search through random sounding posts.

I have been eating well, right on track with what MFP has lined up for me and working out on average 4x a week.

I do mostly elliptical workouts for 45 minutes. I work my *kitten* off on that machine. I also sporadically do workout DVDs that are more circuit training / strength training.

I am not losing like I feel I should be. I am admittedly impatient but my boyfriend has now also mentioned that he is surprised that with my work and diet I haven't lost more.

If I switched to the treadmill and jogged/ran (I'm NOT a runner, so it would take a while to get there) would I see more of a loss than on the elliptical for any reason? I have always opted for the elliptical because I have bad knees and running hurts them, so there's that too.

I was having MFP calculate my loss at 1.5 lbs a week and just changed that to 2 lbs this morning and now I am at 1200 calories a day, which sucks and the idea of that makes me miserable.

Can you help me tweak my workouts, or let me know if you think I even need to?


  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    I've used both and haven't noticed much of a difference (as far as losing weight more quickly on one versus the other). But maybe it's just me. I've been reading articles about maximizing your weight loss, and it looks like it is better to do bursts of high intensity (on either machine), followed by a slower pace, then another burst (i.e., interval training). It seems like going at the same pace for a longer period of time (and not upping the intensity) makes it harder for one's body to lose the weight. I'm still doing research on it...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    table push aways and fork put downs

    elliptical or treadmill is irrelevant.

    do which ever one you like.

    I'd also suggest looking in to doing some weight training so you maintain muscle instead of losing fat AND muscle.

    and time- most people don't give it enough time. keep on keeping on- and stay on top of your food. It'll happen for you- I promise.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    I'd also suggest looking in to doing some weight training so you maintain muscle instead of losing fat AND muscle.

    and time- most people don't give it enough time. keep on keeping on- and stay on top of your food. It'll happen for you- I promise.

    I weight train and the weight loss has been slow. Patience is so very important. I've only lost 17 lbs in 5 months, but the changes in my body are incredible. Of course, my diet wasn't spot on for most of those 5 months, but like Jo said, keep on it, it will happen.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I'm far from an expert, but my personal opinion?

    Treadmill for weight loss

    Elliptical for all-over toning.
  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    I've used both and haven't noticed much of a difference (as far as losing weight more quickly on one versus the other). But maybe it's just me. I've been reading articles about maximizing your weight loss, and it looks like it is better to do bursts of high intensity (on either machine), followed by a slower pace, then another burst (i.e., interval training). It seems like going at the same pace for a longer period of time (and not upping the intensity) makes it harder for one's body to lose the weight. I'm still doing research on it...

    I do this but only because I can't keep up the pace I want to. I will run on the treadmill for only a few minutes, when I am about to pass out, I slow back down, while still going at a good fast walk, when I can breathe again I speed back up for a hot minute. But like I said, this is more because I can't keep it up for too long.
  • indignantgnome
    indignantgnome Posts: 60 Member
    My HRM shows that I burn more calories on the elliptical than the treadmill. I also push myself as hard as possible while on the elliptical, with a few brief moments I'll slow down to change songs on my phone, or something like that.
  • mootscat
    mootscat Posts: 14
    table push aways and fork put downs

    elliptical or treadmill is irrelevant.

    do which ever one you like.

    I'd also suggest looking in to doing some weight training so you maintain muscle instead of losing fat AND muscle.

    and time- most people don't give it enough time. keep on keeping on- and stay on top of your food. It'll happen for you- I promise.

    Thanks Everyone. Like I said I am doing some circuit training / strength training at home too. I am going to up that to more days a week in addition to the cardio.

    The treadmill will force me to do those bursts of interval since I cannot run, lol! I can run for a minute and then slow it down and jog/walk. I am just concerned about the effects it will have on my already painful knees.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    Instead of running or jogging on the treadmill to burn more calories and possibly hurt your knees.. why not just set it at an incline and walk uphill? That's what I do and it burns a ton of calories not to mention is great for your legs and your butt.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    1.which ever one you are actually going to use.
    2. you will burn more on a an elliptical vs a treadmill
    3. you can lose weight walking or doing nothing as long as you eat less.
    4. good luck!
  • mootscat
    mootscat Posts: 14
    At my new goal of 1200 calories, I can't eat less, or won't eat less, That # is already scarily low for me. So I have to adjust my workout routine.

    I am leary of the incline idea only because my legs and glutes are already pretty muscular and my calves are huge. Id hate for them to get any larger
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    At my new goal of 1200 calories, I can't eat less, or won't eat less, That # is already scarily low for me. So I have to adjust my workout routine.

    I am leary of the incline idea only because my legs and glutes are already pretty muscular and my calves are huge. Id hate for them to get any larger

    Why so low, especially since its "scarily low"? 1200 is pretty low for most women (not all).
    Are you following MFP? You may have selected a weight loss goal that is too high for what you have to lose.
    Also, MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories, so on days you workout you should be eating more than 1200.

    A really great post

    Also a nice blog that addresses your original question
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Calorie deficit is all you need for weight loss, the Elliptical and Treadmill should be thought of for overall Fitness..... Best of Luck
  • mootscat
    mootscat Posts: 14
    At my new goal of 1200 calories, I can't eat less, or won't eat less, That # is already scarily low for me. So I have to adjust my workout routine.

    I am leary of the incline idea only because my legs and glutes are already pretty muscular and my calves are huge. Id hate for them to get any larger

    Why so low, especially since its "scarily low"? 1200 is pretty low for most women (not all).
    Are you following MFP? You may have selected a weight loss goal that is too high for what you have to lose.
    Also, MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories, so on days you workout you should be eating more than 1200.

    A really great post

    Also a nice blog that addresses your original question

    This is the # that MFP has given me. I was on 1.5 lbs a week and that deficit wasn't producing results, so today I switched to 2 lbs a week and MFPs goal for me is the 1200. I didn't come up with it by myself. I know that 1200 is a low # which is why I mention that I am uneasy about it. Ill try but damn that't not a lot!

    I don't know what you mean by selecting a goal that is too high. I have 60 something lbs to lose. I wouldn't think that 2;lbs a week is too much, right?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    At my new goal of 1200 calories, I can't eat less, or won't eat less, That # is already scarily low for me. So I have to adjust my workout routine.

    I am leary of the incline idea only because my legs and glutes are already pretty muscular and my calves are huge. Id hate for them to get any larger

    Why so low, especially since its "scarily low"? 1200 is pretty low for most women (not all).
    Are you following MFP? You may have selected a weight loss goal that is too high for what you have to lose.
    Also, MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories, so on days you workout you should be eating more than 1200.

    A really great post

    Also a nice blog that addresses your original question

    This is the # that MFP has given me. I was on 1.5 lbs a week and that deficit wasn't producing results, so today I switched to 2 lbs a week and MFPs goal for me is the 1200. I didn't come up with it by myself. I know that 1200 is a low # which is why I mention that I am uneasy about it. Ill try but damn that't not a lot!

    I don't know what you mean by selecting a goal that is too high. I have 60 something lbs to lose. I wouldn't think that 2;lbs a week is too much, right?

    As a rule of thumb, the suggestions are
    More than 75 lbs: 2 lbs/week
    40-75 lbs: 1.5 lbs/week
    10-40 lbs: 1 lb/week
    Less than 10 lbs: 0.5 lb/week "

    Check out the guide to sexypants link. It has some good suggestions.
  • jefferytmc
    jefferytmc Posts: 26 Member
    If the treadmill bothers your knees then don't do it.

    Causing yourself pain is only going to cause you to quit doing the workout.

    Keep the workouts as something you like to do and nothing that is causing you joint pain.

    I heard an Orthopedic surgeon speak not long ago and he said treadmills were the worst things in terms of causing joint pain.

    So stick to the elliptical and just be patient.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    At my new goal of 1200 calories, I can't eat less, or won't eat less, That # is already scarily low for me. So I have to adjust my workout routine.

    I am leary of the incline idea only because my legs and glutes are already pretty muscular and my calves are huge. Id hate for them to get any larger

    Why so low, especially since its "scarily low"? 1200 is pretty low for most women (not all).
    Are you following MFP? You may have selected a weight loss goal that is too high for what you have to lose.
    Also, MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories, so on days you workout you should be eating more than 1200.

    A really great post

    Also a nice blog that addresses your original question

    This is the # that MFP has given me. I was on 1.5 lbs a week and that deficit wasn't producing results, so today I switched to 2 lbs a week and MFPs goal for me is the 1200. I didn't come up with it by myself. I know that 1200 is a low # which is why I mention that I am uneasy about it. Ill try but damn that't not a lot!

    I don't know what you mean by selecting a goal that is too high. I have 60 something lbs to lose. I wouldn't think that 2;lbs a week is too much, right?

    How accurate is your logging? Are you weighing and measuring everything you are taking in.......
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    table push aways and fork put downs

    elliptical or treadmill is irrelevant.

    do which ever one you like.

    I'd also suggest looking in to doing some weight training so you maintain muscle instead of losing fat AND muscle.

    and time- most people don't give it enough time. keep on keeping on- and stay on top of your food. It'll happen for you- I promise.

    Thanks Everyone. Like I said I am doing some circuit training / strength training at home too. I am going to up that to more days a week in addition to the cardio.

    The treadmill will force me to do those bursts of interval since I cannot run, lol! I can run for a minute and then slow it down and jog/walk. I am just concerned about the effects it will have on my already painful knees.

    If you have painful knees.....you might rethink the treadmill. If the calorie burn is higher (debatable)....it's not enough to offset painful knees, which will make it hard for you to push yourself. You may be less consistent altogether.

    Logging food & calorie deficit "by mouth" ....much easier than trying to "out exercise" bad eating habits.

    Re: 1200 (net).....this is MFP's lowest default value. If this number makes you miserable then you are less likely to stick to a diet. Also 1200 (net) will not be terribly productive in helping you maintain lean muscle mass, if your BMR is higher.
  • mootscat
    mootscat Posts: 14
    I am a very careful food logger. I measure and weigh my food, yes.

    I think I will change it back to 1.5 lbs a week, which is 1440 cals a day - thats what I've been doing the last 3 months.

    I've lost 7 lbs in that time - seems low to me.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Personally, I have noticed no difference. I have solid joints and only use cardio machines at the gym to warm up for a short while for weight lifting. My DH says the elliptical is better for his feet (he has foot problems). I've heard it's easier on the joints. BTW, cardio is NOT weight control. Calories control weight. It's exercise for your muscles.
  • mootscat
    mootscat Posts: 14
    I'm aware that cardio is not a magic weight loss activity, I have mentioned that I have a controlled diet and do strength training as well. Looking for advice and help as to not get bogged down with disappointment that not much is happening.