I heard the Primal blueprint was a major lifestyle change for folks and their eating habbits. Good luck, would love to hear your feed back.
Thank you for sharing! this is the motivation I need!
Keep at it! I am right behind you! and no not with a knife.
I am tony! The Shadowlark, Sneaking around and finding trouble, not to rescue the day but to play! Anyways I am a dad of an almost 5 year old super hero!
Woo hoo! that would be cool! The geek glasses or when I was in school the nerd glasses. Yep! He will like it.
I was just telling my friend that about the pain going away if your working out right and in a few days. We both are getting back at it. Both have gained weight going through our divorces.
I am in the same boat! I had gone through a major bout of depression due to me and my wife splitting and getting a divorce, but seeing the trials that you and your husband are going through is just a wake up call that we all need to look at our own health. So now I am moving forwards and I am glad I am not the only one…