

  • Aside from playing with your calorie intake, also make sure you are getting enough water, keeping sodium low, and get at least 7 hrs. of sleep every night. I also found upping my protein helpful when I hit plateaus (on the advice of a dietician). Good luck!
  • For your goals I would suggest circuit training. (Weights with cardio intervals) Boot Camp style classes and most of Jillian Michaels workouts (she does have a yoga and a couple cardio ones also) are a good place to start. Its kind of the best of both worlds. 30 Day Shred is a good one to start with (its only about 20…
  • I'd wait on getting it re-sized until you're done. I picked up an inexpensive "replacement" ring to wear temporarily (just a sterling band), and now that is too big too. If I'd had it re-sized it would already be too big again! I picked up some little plastic tubes that pop over it, and they were a few bucks. A jeweler…
  • You may want to also consider adding some strength/circuit training, it creates more "after burn" and therefore burns more calories over time. I've had really great results doing circuit training 4xWeek and Cardio 1xWeek. I've actually built up my running endurance quite a bit with the cardio included in my circuit…
  • I don't have any pictures up yet, but I'll be happy to share my story with you. :) On Sat. it will be a year since I joined Jillian Michael's site. I alternate the online workouts with her videos for 4 days/week, and do cardio 1 day/week. I've lost 53 lbs. (188 to 135 lbs.)and gone from a tight fitting size 14 to a size 4!…
  • I've had a few throughout my journey, (its been a year) but my favorite, happened over the summer. I had a dress hanging on my wall for months as a goal. I finally got to wear it when my hubby and I went out to celebrate our 10th Anniversary. It fit me perfectly! I was feeling pretty good about it. We parked the car, and…
  • If you are in fact breastfeeding, please speak to your doctor before dropping your calories. If you don't eat enough while breastfeeding it will affect your milk supply. Your body actually requires more calories while nursing than pregnant! No joke.