

  • There are more variables to this problem, i.e. what kind of calories are you consuming, are you exercising, etc. But here are my two cents. By no mean am I an expert but here I go. 3,500 calories = 1 lb, Take 200 calories off your intake and burn 300 calories when working out 7 times a week and you get 1 lb loss! You could…
  • Corn in itself does not make you fat. Eating anything in excess however, will. It is the fact that the corn is made into a syrup and then placed as filler in all kinds of foods that do not contain sugar in the first place. Read your labels. Sugar in large amounts WILL affect your weight. It can be found in dairy and bread…
  • Ma'am, this post is ridiculous. Working out that hard and that often is not going to help her. Your body needs to rest and if she was working out like this, she would absolutely have to eat more carbs anyway.
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