

  • C25k outside or inside on the elliptical and the Bodyweight app on my phone.
  • I have a Polar FT4 with chest strap and love it. You might check the battery on your chest strap. Also, my instructions recommend wetting the sensors on the chest strap so that could be something to. You may have just gotten a broken unit.
  • Depends on your height and other information. For a petite person, it may not be too low. I would make sure that all the information is correct in MFP and let MFP set the Calorie goal or use one of the calculators people have linked. I do think losing more that 2LB a week is overly aggressive but that is just my opinion.
  • I believe MFP has it so that you eat back your calories. So by the website, you should eat back your calories. That being said, I try not to eat back all of my calories to leave room for inaccuracies even though I do use an HRM. I just find that allowing myself to eat back most of the calories motivates me to exercise.
  • I can edit mine under Settings-->My Food and Excercises -->My Recipes.
  • Not if you’re short and your goal is less than 1200... (my goal is not that low but I'm only 5'1 and it feels that low sometimes) Short people problems... :grumble:
  • This. I have never had luck with our Foreman. Everything seems to be over cooked on the outside or undercooked on the inside.
  • This is kind of impossible to answer. You can enter that but only you know how hard you pushed your body and the amount of calories burned can depend on a number of factors (your weight in included). MFP offers some options but these really shouldn't be considered accurate. If you want to start to measure these items more…
  • Walk, get a gym membership, try new apps, or try workout videos. Personally, I love workout apps as a gym membership is not within my budget at this time and the only workout equipment I own is an elliptical. I use C25K for cardio and Bodyweight (previously You are Your Own Gym) for strength. I use a HRM to calculate…
  • You just start. There will always be excuses and reasons not to but you have to fight that mental battle and just do something. Like others have said, buy a workout video, use youtube, use other phone apps or start using the stairs and increase your use as you get stronger. Personally, I found that in the beginning, it was…
  • Originally, I bought a cheap Pyle Sports HRM. The information gathered from me was odd (I think weight was in kg and it wanted a VO2 which I never did feel confident about measuring). I didn't feel like I was getting an accurate reading and the strap was blocky and uncomfortable. I finally gave in a bought a Polar FT4 and…
  • Thank you all for your input! I think that in the end, I'll go with the cheapest as it seems that Polar is a good brand to stick with.
  • I agree that you just need to start something. Find what works for you and do it. I find that there is no way I would work out in the morning, it's just not something I would ever continue. So, I work out at night. Sometimes I do my C25K with my dog on a walk/jog. I have workout DVDs that I sometimes use (30 Day Shred,…
  • I like Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Serra Mist.
  • I believe that you may see the scale increase when you drink diet soda. But, that would be because of the liquid you have taken in plus keep in mind that diet soda is high in sodium and sodium causes water retention. However, I do not believe that diet soda will cause actual weight gain, mostly just water retention.
  • It probably depends on your activity level but it is probably not too low for you. I'm in the same boat. I always get really excited because YaY! I lost 10 pounds! Oh.. no.... its taking away my calories intake. Sad day. But I think as we lose weight, our body needs less. The plan is to eat at a deficit so that the weight…
  • I'd say give it a try and watch for improvements. Do what works for you. But I would agree with what some other people say about healthy fruits and veggies still having calories. I've heard of diets where people eat all the fruits and veggies they want and then gain weight instead of lose. But do what works for you. It is…
  • Chocolate, normally no-bake cookies. Yummmm.
  • I'm pretty much the same way. My husband understands and will normally go to our bedroom to watch TV and play on his computer while I steal the living room for my workout.
  • It doesn't surprise me but yes, it does seem wrong.
  • I think this might come down to preference. You're more likely to drink a lot of something if you like the way it tastes. I actually prefer plain water. Now, that being said, some liquids may contain lots of sodium which can make you thirsty thus you drink more.
  • My current workout plan is 30 Day Shred. When it was warmer, I was doing C25K which I plan to go back to when it warms up. Eating wise? I try to stay within my calorie goal set up by MFP but I normally go over it by around 100 calories. I typically only drink one can of soda a day because the sodium seems to get to me if I…
  • Me too! If I feel like I didn't sweat enough, then I feel I didn't push myself hard enough.
  • If I said bowling balls weigh more than feathers, do you assume that I'm talking about a pound of bowling balls and a pound of feathers (which would weigh the same)? I don't, and thats how I take the saying "Muscle weighs more than fat." A cup of muscle would weigh more than a cup of fat (from my understanding, please…
  • I own both Insanity and 30 Day Shred and honestly, that doesn't surprise me. Insanity focuses on cardio and if you look closely at the pictures of people who "succeeded" they are skinnier but seem to lack definition besides maybe Abs. 30 Day Shred is great at toning which helps women shrink in sizes (which makes us look…
  • Yogurt Bread with peanut butter and jelly (or honey) Granola bar Carrots Soup on the go Apples Bananas If you end up giving in to fast food, you might make yourself get the healthier option. For example, McDonald's has apple slices, subway offers low cal options. Try to set limits on yourself so you know that even if you…
  • I would recommend going back to your doctor for clarification. To avoid high carbs, there are very little carbs (practically none but in reality there is some) in meat and cheeses. Problem is, those foods are more likely to be high in fat. I wouldn't eat a T-bone steak, but you might focus on heavy meat and cheese meals…
  • I agree. Though, I have heard that HRM aren't as accurate when it comes to calories burned for weight lifting. Just something to think about.
  • I'm not a heavy fitness person but I would make sure to allow a break in between. I've always heard its good to alternate so one day you might focus on cardio and another on strength. You might focus on legs one day and arms the next to give your legs a break and time to heal. I think it does get easier as your body…
  • I eat what I want but I still tend to choose things that I feel are healthier unless I'm having a mad craving. Mainly, I just make sure I don't over eat and stuff myself.