kpepin3 Member


  • This looks delicious! :)
  • Great job so far! I'm also a student in college (nursing school on my end!), so I can relate. Feel free to add me :)
  • Sorry you're feeling a bit down today. You've come a long way - losing that much weight is no easy task, so congrats to you on that! I also get where you are coming from with that feeling of feeling low about yourself, despite the fact that you recognize how far you've come. Sometimes I personally wonder if my body changed…
  • Leafy greens are a good source of calcium (collard, turnip,brocolli, kale, spinach, bok choy etc.). Best part about these are that they are packed with other vitamins and nutrients we need, and don't add much to the daily calorie total. has a bunch of information on various sources of the nutrients and…
    in Calcium Comment by kpepin3 May 2013
  • Feel free to add me. I have a 2 year old daughter, and have been working at this lifestyle change since last July. I don't mind if you look at my food journal, but I'll be the first to admit there are days where even I look at it and think, "now why did I eat this, again?" Oh well, we're all working at it, motivating each…
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like. I've never been a petite girl (I haven't been under a size 11 since before 9th grade), but I'm working at it! I'd love to give you support, as I think it's definitely motivating :)
  • Thanks everyone! It's always motivating to hear positive things in this journey! As a side, feel free to add me as a friend on here - I'd love to have the support and give support back!
  • Blah, uploading photos and trying to get them to fit onto the site is frustrating! I'm 5'4 :)
  • First post, so hopefully I am doing this correctly! Here are a couple of my before/after photos - from '11 when I had my daughter to march '13. The day I had my daughter, I weighed 220 lbs, a number that still seems surreal. I've made it down to 143 lbs. Still have to work on getting rid of my pooch, but seeing other…
  • Awesome Job! You can definitely tell the difference. I also wanted to say that it is so encouraging and empowering to see your progress- makes me feel like I should just be more confident and share my own. Keep up the awesome work! :)
  • I made these, doubting they would taste good. However, I found that they are delicious! Anyone who is unsure if they should try this recipe, should give it a shot! :)