
What are some good sources of calcium that aren't dairy based? I like cheese and yogurt, but beyond that, dairy doesn't do much for me! I am falling woefully short on calcium intake, and I'd like to rectify it? Any ideas?


  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    A lot of different veggies really, but I don't have them off the top of my head in what's best. I mention to folks... it's very handy for stuff like this. You can search with the Tools part at the top for specific nutrients. It'll give you a list of calcium sources like that!
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    I'm is always low as well and trying to get it higher, looking at my diary raw spinach is showing 10mg for the weight of 100g ,pineapple was 4mg for 200g ans sweet potatoes has 8mg for 200g.

    I need to do another search myself to find more veg and fruit that help with the calcium. Everything seems to be full of protein or cards.

    I have Almond butter and the jar says it has calcium in it but it does not show up on mfp as containing any but it must as i have seen that with other things like cheese on here. i may be getting a better level on some days than i think.

    % not mg i think
  • kpepin3
    kpepin3 Posts: 13 Member
    Leafy greens are a good source of calcium (collard, turnip,brocolli, kale, spinach, bok choy etc.). Best part about these are that they are packed with other vitamins and nutrients we need, and don't add much to the daily calorie total. has a bunch of information on various sources of the nutrients and minerals we need. I have the same issue with meeting calcium needs, so I just looked up on reputable sites what would be good choices instead of dairy (which sadly is usually high in calories).