fruitikay Member


  • Wow, completely agree about number 5. I didn't even think about that, but it's triggering for me too when I think about it...when plus size models are actually fairly "thin" or not really plus size. It makes me feel like "normal weight" is "overweight."
  • 1. When people say I look better the thinner I get or that I'm a "skinny minnie now!" 2. When people eat food around me that I deem "unsafe." 3. When I'm alone. 4. When I'm hungry due to restriction 5. Media images/TV, models, manniquins, etc.
  • One thing that always helps me is not having the "binging" foods in the house. I'm less likely to binge on broccoli than I am to binge on chips or cookies or something. It's harder when you live with other people or share food, but if all you have to eat is healthy things, it makes it harder binge. But increasing calories…
  • I used to be 235 pounds four months ago and now I'm 191 pounds...and I got there by reducing my calories to 1200 a day. No, I wasn't "miserable." No, I wasn't starving. In fact, I had a hard time getting ENOUGH calories because I was FULL all of the time...know why? Because I eat mostly vegetables, fruits, legumes, and…
  • Ok, I apologize. I am not a member of the working class, so I can't claim to understand that reality. And yes, "brands" and types of products have a lot to do with nutrition. Amy's company, for example, has whole organic food ingredients, prodivding you with more adequate nutrition. Other companies with similar products…
  • More honest labeling with ingredients. The only objectiion to the "it's just personal responsiblity" arguments I have is that not everyone has the resources to be knowledgeable about health, afford better brands, or resources to engage in being "more informed." I'm talking about the working class who have to buy TV dinners…
  • Greens! Make salad with dark leafy greens. If you hate that, Green Smoothies are really good for you. That's how I get my iron and I'm vegan.
  • I wouldn't worry about it too much. One thing that IS good to do is drink a lot of fluids in the morning, especially water. This can help you get hydrated in the morning, flush out crap from last night, and get your metabolism moving for the day. It helps me, at least. I'm not a breakfast person either. I ended up forcing…
  • Ok, bananas are not "bad" for you people. Sure, they have some sugar and carbs. If you're low carb, then you can limit your intake of these, but they are in no way "bad." If you limit your intake to no more than one a day than you'll be fine. For non-diabetic healthy people, eating bananas is a healthy thing if added to a…
  • I can't weigh daily because I am recovering from bulimia...I obsess too much over it. Just be careful that you don't obsess over it too much or you'll start weighing yourself 5-20 times in one day. Otherwise, go for it.
  • Meh. The FDA is a weird organization. I would just trust what you and/or your doctor says should be your target maintaining calorie intake.