

  • I do something similar using black beans and adding diced tomatoes (or salsa) to quinoa. I season with a little cumin. Then top with diced avocado and a bit of cheese when serving.
  • I recently had a similar problem - no weight loss for 3 weeks. I work out an hour a day 5-6 days per week. I have increased this slightly (by 15-20 minutes) and have only added cardio for those extra minutes. I wear a heart rate monitor and have noticed that my body seems to adjust to whatever exercise I am doing, thus my…
  • I would like to join as well!
  • I recently ordered the advanced DVDs and had the same problem (no upper 20/lower 20), so I share your frustration. According to my schedule these videos did come into play until the later weeks (week 14+). I followed the schedule up to this point and lost about 15 lbs and gained lots of muscle and endurance. I am currently…
  • I love Turbo Fire. It is great fun and Chalene is very motivational. I believe it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee if you order it through Beach Body. I have just started it again after taking a break from exercise and gaining back weight. I lost 2 lbs the first week! HIIT training is a great way to burn lots of…
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