This is a great qustion indeed, and my mind is open to see the best sceince. I have high hopes that someday NuSI can answer this question with certainty. Conventional wisdom states that it is a…
Spot on advice so far, IMO. Everybody's different. I always think of Arnold's quote from the movie "Pumping Iron": "We are all competing against our own DNA". And another old cliche that seems to have withstood the test of time, (and I have lived it to prove it to myself): "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym."
I can do that pose, but it involves crashing my motorcycle. Then, the only thing I'm able to eat are shakes through a straw, so you can forward all those harassing emails to me, cause I'll need them..
Amen, Sister. Amen.
Well put. Stretching a cold muscle (not warmed up) is a risky endeavor. don't get "warming up" confused with stretching. If I am going to stretch before an athletic activity, I warm up first, then stretch.
I'm on Ideal Protein also. It's super easy and tasty as can be. I've gone from 255 down to 177 in only a few months, and it was quite simple actually. it's changed my entire way of thinking about eating and nutrition, and it's good to find all that muscle I created back in the 1980's that was hiding under the fat. Not any…