

  • I HAVE checked out the ball chairs, they're just so darn expensive. >_> At least, online they are. But then again, I bet my sports gear store might have one... And I really want a stand up desk! I'm so envious of you right now! haha. I went from standing and moving all day every day to sitting for 12 hrs. it's rough!
  • Thank you so much for the tips! I DO get a lunch hour, but it's totally iced over where I am. (looking in to get some thermal walking clothes) I usually try to shove a walk and lunch all in the same hour during summer, but I never thought of asking my manager if she'd mind if I ate at my desk instead of "lunch break". I'll…
  • When none of my clothes fit, and the ones that did are a size I've NEVER fit in before. When I looked at my family Christmas photos and realized I was the biggest person in all of the photos. And when I realized I was tired of being tired and lazy.AND, when I realized that I can't run anymore when I used to run miles…
  • I feel like I have the worst self control in the world. I over-eat when I'm happy, because being raised in the south, I associate good food with good times. And I over-eat when I'm sad, because I want to reach that happiness. lol. I've gotta find that happy medium. >.<
  • Thank you so much for the support! <3