All my Office Ladies!... and Gentlemen!

Hello there!

I am a front desk receptionist where I work and my boss makes it VERY clear that my job is to sit at my desk. And to get up and move as little as possible.

So I can't exactly get up and use my desk for pushups (although I use the sink in the bathroom when I can!) or go in a room to do a quick energy booster when no one's looking, etc.

BUT, I am losing so much energy, and getting so tired just sitting here that by the time I get home, I'm exhausted, and I'm too tired in the morning to wake up!

How can I keep my energy level up during the day so that I can be more motivated to work out while just sitting at my desk? I feel so doomed sometimes! But I know there's gotta be a way.

Any suggestions?


  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I have a desk job too and while I'm not stuck at my desk like you are I find that I don't move nearly enough. I recently started doing leg lifts sitting right in my chair. I don't really know if that will have an impact but I have to be burning at least a few extra calories and it keeps the blood flowing, making me feel better. Maybe try doing some seated punches when no one is around? My advice is to just be creative and move your body in any way you can while still manning your post!!!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Do you get coffee breaks and a lunch hour? I would take advantage of those as much as possible by going for a brisk walk. If you eat quickly it should leave you some time. Or find some stairs to go up and down a few times.

    I have an office job as well but I have a little more freedom since I'm not at the front and I'm the manager, so I can eat at my desk and work out on my lunch hour if I want (and I let my staff do the same), but I started in a similar situation to you, where I was expected to be there, butt in chair at all times except bathroom breaks. I always went for a walk at lunch.

    The other option is to get up earlier and workout to give you energy throughout the day, or workout right after work to lift your energy levels back up after a draining day.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I feel your pain! I too am a receptionist/admin assistant and it can be dreadfully boring (and actually exhausting) having to sit in one spot all day. When I first started on MFP, my main source of exercise was simply walking. Instead of taking my half hour to go eat my lunch, I would go for a half hour walk and then eat my lunch at my desk when I got back. My employer didn't mind at all - could this be an option for you? Also, how do you get to work? I used to take the train, but forfeited that for walking as well. It meant I had to get up a teensy bit earlier every morning, and get home a teensy bit later every night, but by the time I got home I was already done my workout for the day! (And felt really great, to boot.)
  • bitten2better
    bitten2better Posts: 39 Member
    Hello there!

    I am a front desk receptionist where I work and my boss makes it VERY clear that my job is to sit at my desk. And to get up and move as little as possible.

    So I can't exactly get up and use my desk for pushups (although I use the sink in the bathroom when I can!) or go in a room to do a quick energy booster when no one's looking, etc.

    BUT, I am losing so much energy, and getting so tired just sitting here that by the time I get home, I'm exhausted, and I'm too tired in the morning to wake up!

    How can I keep my energy level up during the day so that I can be more motivated to work out while just sitting at my desk? I feel so doomed sometimes! But I know there's gotta be a way.

    Any suggestions?

    Ever thought of getting an under the desk bike? Here's an example

    I'm not saying you should get this was literally just the first one that showed up after I google searched it to show you an option. You can bike all darn day if you like, and odds are, no one could ever tell!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Same thought, but you're a tad faster, Bitten! :laugh:
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Will he allow you to use one of those ball-chairs - constant use of muscles to stay balanced.
  • ladydub1816
    Thank you so much for the tips!

    I DO get a lunch hour, but it's totally iced over where I am. (looking in to get some thermal walking clothes) I usually try to shove a walk and lunch all in the same hour during summer, but I never thought of asking my manager if she'd mind if I ate at my desk instead of "lunch break". I'll try that!

    Leg Lifts Air Punches- I do them as much as possible, but I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I forget. Oh! I wonder if I set a silent alarm on my phone for every couple hours, it'd remind me!

    Unfortunately we don't have any stairs. >_>

    And under the desk bike. WOW. Never heard of that before. But I'm definitely going to do some research on it!

    Thank ya'll so much for all the help and support! I wasn't expecting such a big response!
  • SNLover87
    SNLover87 Posts: 101 Member

    I second this - I've considered getting one myself.

    This may not help since you're at a front desk and (I'm guessing) see people face to face, but I bought an exercise ball to use as a chair. I swap out my regular chair for the ball for a few hours a day and it keeps me moving. I also try to get up and walk around as much as possible, if I'm on the phone with a client, or just every little while to break up the monotony :) I will soon be transitioning to a stand up desk which I'm really excited about - it's a shame you can't go that route, I would think it would help your energy level to be moving all day.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I work at a desk all day as well and understand being tired/burnt out after work. I just don't give myself an option, I bring my gym clothes and dinner with me to work and I just go. At first it was tiring but now I look forward to it. You could wake up early and workout before if you are a morning person. Also I walk on my lunch break, it helps to wake you up a little!
  • ladydub1816
    I HAVE checked out the ball chairs, they're just so darn expensive. >_> At least, online they are. But then again, I bet my sports gear store might have one...
    And I really want a stand up desk! I'm so envious of you right now! haha. I went from standing and moving all day every day to sitting for 12 hrs. it's rough!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I know in some areas jobs are not easy to come by...but I think it sounds more like you need a new job. I work in an office where I am seated for at least six or seven hours (often closer to eight hours) of my 8-5 shift. I do get an hour lunch break. But I am up/down a lot (even within a relatively confined space that helps) and so busy that I do not have time to feel bored, sleepy, etc.

    I've been in jobs in the past where I felt miserably sluggish and awful...those jobs were a bad fit. In my opinion, sedentary jobs do not have to be boring and can actually be quite mentally stimulating.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I HAVE checked out the ball chairs, they're just so darn expensive. >_> At least, online they are. But then again, I bet my sports gear store might have one...
    And I really want a stand up desk! I'm so envious of you right now! haha. I went from standing and moving all day every day to sitting for 12 hrs. it's rough!

    I also sit at a desk the majority of the day. I try to do some stretches every hour or so, just to get some relief for the tightening that happens!
  • LosingItInDenver

    Ever thought of getting an under the desk bike? Here's an example

    I'm not saying you should get this was literally just the first one that showed up after I google searched it to show you an option. You can bike all darn day if you like, and odds are, no one could ever tell!

    I was going to suggest the same thing - a pedal exerciser. They are inexpensive on Amazon - less than $25.

    Also, what about keeping some light weights in your desk drawer for when you have breaks? You can use them to take a walk around the block or whatever.

    You can google "office yoga" to find some stretching moves that you can do at your desk as well. You can probably also check out "desk workouts" as well - there might be some other ideas.

    Are you at least allowed to stand at your desk? If you can, then some simple pacing every 30 minutes or so might help keep your energy levels up.

    It's hard being stuck at a desk all day (I'm in a cube farm, I can relate!) and running out to find a new job isn't necessarily a practical solution, so you have to get very creative.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Same boat here. Reception = sitting for the whole day. At least I get up when I can to go talk to a coworker (whereas some will just call me. LAZY!) Too cold to go out during lunch (it's -38 right now.) I need a new job but sadly so many jobs these days revolve around plunking ourselves in front of a computer. I so wish I could get a standing desk but my boss just laughs at me.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I work in an office and while we are not as chained to our desks as it sounds like you are, there is little opportunity to move other than to the restroom and back.

    A lot of people in my building take their two 15 minute breaks and part of their lunch break to walk around the parking lot. Maybe that would be an option for you? Or if there is a stairwell in your building where you could sneak out and run up and down a few flights when you have a few minutes away from your desk?
  • Relle3
    Relle3 Posts: 30 Member
    I have a desk job as well. I usually eat 2 meals and 3 snacks at work. Its hard when I leave work I take the stairs..

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