

  • Anyone replying to this thread is welcome to add me as well. I need motivation to stay on track. Have a touch over 100 pounds to lose. Got my mom to join as well so we can hold each other accountable (only we can see each others food diaries).
  • I am right there with you sister (I need to lose at least 100 lbs)!!! I have a 4 year old and an 11 year old. The 11 year old plays travel ball and the 4 year old is playing ball as well. With my work schedule, my husband's work schedule, a house to maintain, extended family who we spend a lot of time with, a family…
  • Welcome!!! I have only been on this site for a short amount of time but the support here is overwhelming. You will read so many stories of encouragement and you will see that you are not alone in your struggles. You should be able to find at least one person who can relate to your story (military-wise). I know a co-worker…
  • Sweet!!! Thanks for the recipe
  • Most assuredly, check with your doctor. Even your pediatrician will refer you to your OB. The standard rule had always been the same for when you were pregnant - consume about 500 calories more a day that what you should to maintain your weight but how is the everyday woman supposed to figure out how many calories that is?…
  • Replying to KGC - YAY you for the weightloss so far. Look back at your ID photo and you can really see the change. Shoot, look at the pics of you and IJAD on conference trips in the last year and look at the change. You will be bikini clad in Hawaii!!!!!
  • I got tipping point dieter as well. Second choice was Office Space Dieter Office Space Dieters are those people who, in addition to overeating, tend to snack on bad foods and who lack regular exercise in their daily life. Because their daily lives are lethargic and lack sufficient exercise, their metabolism is slow and…