

  • i have done that countless times thinkng-this is the perfect inspiration!..never fit in any of them till date;(
  • hi.yoga poses hv got nothing to do with weight.my mom is 105 kg,thats 231 pounds and she is So flexible!but dont expect much weight loss from yoga.it will tone(depends on which yoga u r doing), make ur skin glow, make u feel like eating right and give u pretty hair...but its a long process and if u r expecting instant…
  • thank you so much for the tikr:D
  • lets look at it this way-today they might think you fat,but when you have lost it for good(i m sure u will)it will be fun to see their jaws drop when u meet them next time:)if they dont get to see u now,how will they admire you later on?...this is the way i face life...but one day,it will be a different story...