Hi everyone...I registered for some classes a my local college and in need of extra units.. I registered for a yoga class at 6:30 am Monday morning..well a few hrs from now actually, my question is,, I am almost 300lbs. granted I feel good because I have lost 50 lbs and I am flexible for a plus size women..can anyone tell me in all honesty if they think I can actually do this class?.. I am active.. I walk only 1 mile a day but I started walking only one time around the park.. I do zumba 3 times a week.. and I do circuit training,, all that said yoga is a bit scary because of all the different positions and a bit anxious if the instructor will accept me in her class because of my weight.


  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    All of this fear will go away as soon as you walk in the door, friend. Namaste!
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    Hey there, I think you can do it. Most classes will include modifications and if they don't you should not be shy about asking. I jumped into a yoga class at my gym (I'm still a big girl too) and I was actually surprised at how many of the positions I could get into. Mind you, I did not look anywhere near as flexible and elegant as the others in the class (it was easy to pick out the newbies, we were wobbling all over the place and laughing at ourselves). Just go for it. If you stick with it, you will see results in flexibility in a short while. I find that I am slowly getting better and am amazed at how much my muscles ache the day after - had no idea all that bending and flexing required so much muscle! Have fun!

    Hopefully, the instructor will welcome you with open arms - they usually do and most instructors are pretty excited to see new students and people new to yoga joining in.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    thanks ladies...needed a bit of positive reinforcement
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    The whole thing about yoga, is that you do everything to the best of your personal capabilities and comfort level. If you can't do it so well the first time, thats okay. If you can't do it so well the 100th time... thats still okay :)
  • waisttodiefor
    Options poses hv got nothing to do with mom is 105 kg,thats 231 pounds and she is So flexible!but dont expect much weight loss from will tone(depends on which yoga u r doing), make ur skin glow, make u feel like eating right and give u pretty hair...but its a long process and if u r expecting instant results on the weighing scale u might b dissapointed.ask me;( of luck..:)
  • thinnnnnnner
    Unless you've signed up for an advanced hot yoga class I think you will be fine.

    Yoga is all about relaxing and stretching your body. You don't need to be able to do any of the extreme positions to enjoy it.