hiroselee Member


  • Great job starting to get into the vegan diet :) I eat mostly vegan/plant-based as well minus the occasional fish. It is definitely a bunch of propaganda that the vegan diet or plant-based protein is inferior to animal protein.
  • wow sleeping in the gym clothes! that's such a good idea! I may have to do that... thanks for the tips :)
  • Wow thank you everyone p.s. i didn't actually mean i watch movies in the morning lol i guess it was bad wording on my part. What I meant was that in the winter, I don't feel like doing anything but watching movies in my bed in general.
  • this really depends on your own body type. I'm about 5'2 or 5'3 and I'm right now around 118-119. But my goal is to lose at least 5 more pounds. i still have excess fat that I could afford to lose even though I weigh less than 120. So it really depends on your own body, your muscle composition, etc. Also depends on your…