

  • Herbal tea bags. I don't brew them with hot water, I just put one in my big tumbler of water and snap the tumbler lid on over the string. Gives it a light flavor without the caffeine/dehydration of regular tea. I recommend the Stash tea herbal sampler--lots of interesting flavors like blueberry and raspberry hibiscus.
  • I'm on my 3rd week...I lost 4 pounds the first week, and 1 pound each week after that. It's pretty normal. I shed a lot of water and bloating when I started hydrating properly and eating more fresh foods. And at least now I know those single pound losses are real fat loss! :-)
  • Lifelong Washington Resident here! Just outside of Vancouver (in Battle Ground). And always looking for awesome new friends, if any of my fellow Washingtonians want to add me! :-)
  • I hear ya--I'm also on two blood pressure meds that I would dearly love to be rid of! I'm feeling really positive about my experience here so far, though...only been 10 days, but it's already working so hopefully I'm on my way to being pill-free. :-) Anyhoo, sent you an add request...welcome to MFP! :D
  • Considering I just finished watching a classic Tom Baker Doctor Who, exercise every day while watching MLP:FiM, and I'm getting fit so I can start cosplaying again....yeah, I'd say I'm a nerd. I'm also fairly new and looking for new friends--feel free to friend me, nerdy comrades! :-)
  • Always glad to meet more geek girls! And part of my motivation to lose is costuming, too. :-) Sent you friend request--we can totally do this! :D
  • All of these, yes! :D I am so tired of watching my friends have fun cosplaying, and I just don't feel comfortable doing it anymore since I gained weight. I've pretty much accepted I will never be super-sexy-svelte superhero size (it's just not my body type), but I at least want to fit into my EGL dresses again! Glad to…
  • Go to the profile page of the person you want to add by clicking on their name/avatar, and there's a green button at the top of their profile that says "Add as friend". :-)
  • I was diagnosed hypothyroid (Hashimoto's) at 12, right when I hit puberty--great time to have your thyroid hormone out of whack, right? Even with my levels normal on synthroid, I still have a pretty sluggish metabolism--but I also have to own up to a lot of my weight gain being from stress eating. I've lost before and know…
  • Your great post and amazing attitude have convinced me to come out of lurk mode and send a friend request! :-) I've only been here for a few days, but it's great so far--and I've trying a lot of calorie counting sites/apps. I'm looking forward to making some friends to cheer on as well! Best of luck to you! (And also, big…