Geek girl needs friends

I've been slacking too long and need any motivation I can get. I also started a blog that explains a little why I have started my weight loss program and where I'm at now... I'm always looking for friends, so please add me...


  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    Nice costume. Question? Are you trying to lose 70 lbs by Halloween or just in general to be able to fit in that costume?

    I lost my weight almost entirely from jogging. I put myself on a half marathon training program. You will lose weight if you do this. I love Yoga too. It is a great way to change the way your body looks and how you hold yourself. I do Xbox Kinects as well and I actually burn a lot of calories playing Dance Central. It is fun so it doesn't feel like I am “working out”.
  • Nyrehtak
    Nyrehtak Posts: 12
    I have a rough deadline of May 2013 to lose the full 70.. but I won't argue if it's sooner or later. I don't want to put an unrealistic goal on myself.

    The costume will take time to be made, but I hope to be able to make one and join a costuming club so I can do charitable events doing something I would love.
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Cool costume! I'm pretty geeky myself, so feel free to add me!
  • Ceres77
    Ceres77 Posts: 10
    Always glad to meet more geek girls! And part of my motivation to lose is costuming, too. :-)

    Sent you friend request--we can totally do this! :D
  • GeekyGoddess
    I'm pretty geeky myself, and have a gamer/cosplay obsessed 10 year old son that has recently demanded I learn how to sew so he can turn me into his very own costume sweatshop. I added you.
  • skyblue_99
    I am a bit of a science geek. Awesome costume! Feel free to add me!
  • sneakypackrat
    sneakypackrat Posts: 33 Member
    that is a pretty sweet costume!! :D
  • matthewsq
    matthewsq Posts: 58 Member
    I'm behind you all the way =). You have 100% of my support. I like how one of your motivation is to dress up and use a sexy costume. I can relate to that because I also want to cosplay =)