

  • Hi, I tried Paleo last summer and lost over 20 pounds in just a few weeks. So I continued it, as some experts recommend it, as a lifestyle instead of a diet. In my case, the weight also stayed of. The meal planning really helped me. I'm trying to get back on track now. Good luck!:-) x
  • EDNOS means Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. People who have ednos have an eating disorder with symptoms that don't necessarily fit one eating disorder. So the symptoms meet some criteria of anorexia and bulimia, but not fully. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the only e.d. that is categorized as EDNOS, sub…
  • Welcome back to MFP :P I'm Annabelle, how are you? x
  • I have this persons page bookmarked on my laptop. The docs that spoke to me most were ''The truth about size zero'' and ''Extreme diets''. I liked watching the ''My big fat diet show'', but that one is more because of the humor that the show host brings…
  • Thank you :).