

  • By now you have been around for a while. Even 2 years post-chemo I still am still struggling to lose the last of the weight and get back into shape like I was pre-diagnosis. The best thing I can tell you is to listen to your body. There are days when I feel really good and motivated and get in a good workout and make…
  • Welcome. It sounds like you are really motivated for change. In my mind I figure if I am strong enough to fight and win against cancer then I really have no excuse to not meet my fitness goals. It doesn't always work, but it motivates me more often than not. Good luck
    in Hello! Comment by kittysoft August 2013
  • Skin cancer in 2000. Then Hairy Cell Leukemia (pretty rare) in 2009. Last chemo in 2010, waiting for lab results to find out if I have to start chemo again.
  • Omaha, Nebraska
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